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deal with a misogynist

How to deal with a misogynist

Misogynists are literally everywhere. They are at school, at your workplace and sometimes even in your own home. Here are some tips and tricks to deal with a misogynist and his twisted mind.

gossiping co workers

How to deal with gossiping co workers

Most of us often find it hard to keep up with people gossiping about us everywhere and if it is your workplace then it is really challenging for you to perform well. Here are some solutions to deal with those jerks and get away with their gossiping habit

Get a better understanding of life to live it with utmost positivity

How to deal with narcissism

A narcissist person shows symptoms like aggression, defensiveness and verbal abuse. Such people are said to be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder(NPD). Individuals with symptoms of this disorder are two-faced i.e. they are charming and compe

deal with bad kids

How to deal with bad kids

How do we define someone to be bad or good? Well the answer is based on their behaviour and when we have to rate kids on this parameter, it all depends upon their upbringing, family culture and their lifestyle and friends. Here are the ways in which we ca

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