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Why should you opt for organic pregnancy?

opt for organic pregnancy


Organic pregnancy is constituted of eating organically all that has more minerals, nutrients and vitamins, plenty of fluid nutrition, healthy skin care regime by avoiding products that are toxic. If toxic products are used, they will travel through the bloodstream and will have an unhealthy effect on the fetus. Cutting down completely on unhealthy habits like intake of alcohol and nicotine will ensure a clean body system for baby to grow without any toxic effects. A healthy organic pregnancy will make for a sound foundation for baby’s growth in the womb as well as after it is born.

Organic pregnancy, healthy and safe

Organic pregnancy is a healthy way of being pregnant and is very beneficial for both mother and baby. By taking care of yourself, eating the kind of food which is free from harmful toxins and basically enjoying every moment of your pregnancy can be most beneficial.

1. Eat locally produced, seasonal food in a variety and eat plenty of fresh, wholesome food which have adequate fiber and starch. Try to eat less of packaged and processed foods. Take only organically grown vegetables and fruits and try to eat home cooked meals.

2. By cutting down on animal products, you can reduce intake of PCB, mercury exposure and dioxin. Broil meat and fish so fat drips away and limit consumption of fatty fish such as salmon and tuna or limit it to once a month. A good alternatives to these fish could be sole and flounder which are less fatty.

3. Eat plenty of food rich in folic acid before and during pregnancy. These are sourced from peas, dried beans, broccoli, spinach and citrus fruits. Folic acid prevents neurological defects such as spina bifida in babies.

4. Eat plenty of tofu, dark leafy greens and beans which are rich in calcium. Calcium supplements from bone meal, oyster shells may raise your lead intake, so be careful while taking the supplements.

5. Drink pure water which has been properly filtered. Do not drink water which has chlorine and lead contents. Lead can travel through the arteries right into the umbilical cord and this can be very harmful for baby even after it is born.

By eating healthy before and during pregnancy and even after pregnancy is of utmost importance. Everything that you eat effects the baby even after being born because the breast milk will still be baby’s source of food. Therefore, avoid any vegetables and fruits that had been sprayed with pesticides as they all content harmful lead and other mineral toxins. A good organic and balanced diet of a mother goes a long way in carrying not only a healthy fetus but also when the baby is born. Baby will have a healthy constitution and will suffer less from colic pains if mother’s diet is healthy.

Earth friendly tips for organic pregnancy

Going green all the way through your pregnancy will benefit you and the environment as well. Here are some tips which are all earth friendly for your organic pregnancy and after:

1. If you want to avoid those stretch marks around your midsection particularly during pregnancy, then keeping it liberally hydrated is a useful tip. However, whatever you apply on the skin travels into the bloodstream, so buy only those massage creams which are free of any harmful chemicals. Gently rub and massage the midsection with cool, soothing cocoa butter.

2. Go for loose maternity cloths that are comfortable and made out of earth friendly materials and which are gentle on your skin and allow it to breathe.

3. Use safe and mild detergents for washing your clothes. One way of really going green on washing is by using soap nuts. These can be placed inside muslin bags and washed along with the cloths. They produce earthy lather which thoroughly cleans out the cloths leaving a fresh, healthy smell and they can be re-used.

4. Avoid giving clothes to the dry cleaners as they use perc chemical which can travel through the skin and store in the fatty tissues and particularly harmful to breast milk.

5. Avoid dyeing your hair during pregnancy as hair dyes contains a lot of harmful chemicals for the baby.

6. Go out into the fresh air often and breathe in plenty of air and soak up sunlight.

7. Get plenty of exercise and good sleep with fresh air circulation in the room.

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