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January 2009

GEM: Zero-energy mobile machine to convert waste into energy

Converting all industrial waste into energy in complete terms is obviously something that is impossible, but most of the industrial waste can be often turned into energy in some small form. But the problem with such systems is that they are generally.

Cashing in on caffeine: Coffee grounds to power your car!

Each year across the globe over 16 billion pounds of coffee is produced by farmers and while we do use all of it to quench our thirst for that kick of caffeine, there is still plenty of waste left behind in the form of coffee grounds. Once we extract.

Firewinder: Turning flowing wind into glowing delight!

Most often we tend to focus so singularly on solar power that we often ignore wind energy and its vast potential. Many top researchers have already professed that energy harnessed from very high and consistent winds in the higher altitudes of the…

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