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November 2008

New CO2 burying technique says no to leakage!

‘Engineer aims to bury CO2 with a leak proof technology’

Every day, every hour, every minute and every second we are inching towards global warming. To battle with this problem countries around the world are trying every possibility to ‘go…

Engineer aims to bury CO2 with a leak proof technology

Green Energy from coal mines!

‘Dutch homes get warm water from disused coal mine’

Green energy from coal mines is something unpredictable. But yes, the coal mines which were once considered as air polluter are now a source of green energy. Dutch homes are getting warm water…

Green Energy from coal mines

Schools get smarter with first Zero-energy classrooms!

‘Green Building: First Zero Energy Classroom Debuts in Boston’

Planet Earth is in big need of a greener environment for thousands of reasons. Green technology is the much awaited and of course the need of the hour. Well the wait is over; the…

Schools get smarter with first Zero-energy classrooms

Time to act on plan B for saving the planet

‘Global Warming’

Natural disasters like mass extinction, hurricanes, wide spread droughts and many others are staring us in the face if we fail to check our consumption of natural resources soon. Development is some thing that every country…

Green world : The Sun can make ice too!

”Ice maker that runs on solar power’

Here comes another great discovery in the world of solar technology, a Solar Ice Maker, an ice maker system that runs on solar power. The solar rings that produce green ice could bring refrigeration to poor…

Sun can make ice too

Coming soon : Mini nuclear plant for all your power needs

‘Mini Nuclear plants to power twenty thousand homes’

How about buying your own nuclear plant to power your home? A great thought isn’t it? And you are probably thinking, improbable too! But, hold your breath, for mini nuclear plants will be a..

Mini nuclear plant for all your power needs

Climate Disasters: CO2 levels touch danger zone!

‘Revised theory suggests carbon dioxide levels already in danger zone’

Despite continuous efforts from various quarters, the effects of global warming have been on an increase. Climate change, the biggest threat for humanity is at its peak….

Illegal loggers threaten existence of Amazon tribes

‘Uncontacted tribes may disappear in three years’

Indigenous people are the key to rain forest conservation. The rainforests have been inhabited by various tribes for over thousands of years. The forest is their primary source of livelihood and..

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