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Top five reasons that contribute to menorrhagia

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Menorrhagia is a medical term used with excessive bleeding in females during their menstrual periods. But many of us do not understand the term and ignore the condition. You can be experiencing menorrhagia if your periods are longer or equal to one week. Another way to know is to notice if you need to change your tampon or pads at an interval of less then one or two hours. If so, you might be suffering through it. Here is the list of five very common reasons which cause menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding:

The most common cause of menorrhagia is hormonal imbalance.

At the onset of menstrual cycle and several years before menopause, the hormonal levels oscillate. This also causes excessive bleeding. However, these imbalances can be treated with pills and medicines.

Uterine fibroid tumors, which are usually benign (non-cancerous) tumors, occur in the uterus of women during their thirties or forties. They also cause excessive bleeding when present. While the causes of uterine fibroid tumors are unclear, there dependence on estrogen is apparent. These tumors can be treated by surgeries. Also, non-surgical pharmacological treatments like GnRH agonists, oral contraceptives, androgens, RU486 (the abortion pill) are available.

Occurrence of cervical polyps is another common factor. These are minute, delicate growths that occur in either the mucosal surface of the cervix or the endocervical canal. These are usually caused due to an infection and sometimes also associated to increased estrogen levels or congestion of the blood vessels located in the cervical area. Antibiotics and a treatment can easily cure these.

Another non-cancerous growth called endometrial polyps that usually occur in and along the lining of the uterus. These are also associated with excess of estrogen. Hysteroscopy and D&C treatments can cure this condition.

Source: Womenshealth

Image credit: Philadelphiaweekly

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