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H5N1 bird flu kills unborn babies


Bird flu is one of the modern threats to human kind. Recently, it was discovered that the bird flu can be a threat to unborn babies. The dreaded H5N1 can be passed on in the mother’s foetus.

The H5N1 is unlike the normal bird flue. Examination reveals that bird flue strikes in winter.

Once the flue enters the body, it spreads everywhere. Reportedly, it killed 300 people in 12 countries around the world.

Out of the affected, about two thirds of people were killed after they were affected! — This seems to be a crazy number. The normal version of the flue doesn’t quite work this way.

The researchers at the Peking university took a closer look at the body of a 24 year old pregnant woman infected with the H5N1.

Traces of the flue were discovered in the placenta, lungs, liver and even in the intestine of her unborn baby. Along with the pregnant woman, they also examined the body of a 35 year old man.

In both of the subjects, the virus was not only constrained to the lungs. But, it also spread all around the body. The bird flue report was published in The Lancet.The H5N1 has been spread fast all around the world. It has instilled fear among us.

Hopefully, they will find a way to prevent the bird flu from spreading around and killing unborn babies.

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