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Occasional indulgence in your favorite fast food could pose a health risk

An occasional indulgence of fast food is something all of us deserve and must enjoy too. But could a single high fat meal pose a health threat?

It’s a known fact that eating high-fat meals regularly makes you obese and puts you at a higher risk of obesity related problems like heart attack, diabetes and high blood pressure. A new study found that even a single, high-fat meal could pose an equal risk by making you more reactive to stress.

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The stress responses of thirty students were assessed by the researchers at the University of Calgary. The group was split into two; one group was given a high-fat breakfast from Mcdonalds and the other group were given low-fat breakfast with sodium and potassium supplements; both meals contained the same amount of calories.

They were then subjected to physical and mental stress tests after two hours of eating the breakfast. It was found that those who ate a high-fat breakfast had higher blood pressure, a faster heart rate and hardened blood vessels when compared to those who ate a low-fat breakfast.

It was about 25 per cent more, which is a big effect — a whopping effect — especially when you consider the only difference was one meal, What’s really shocking is that this is just one meal

says Dr. Tavis Campbell, the study’s senior author.

Does it mean that you should not indulge in the simple pleasures of eating high fat meal once in a while? Probably not, you could indulge in your favorite meal when you are more relaxed and are not involved in stress related activities.

Forget what the experts say, go ahead and indulge yourself occasionally; after all, you have only one life!



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