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New treatment to turn baldhead hairy

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Male pattern hair loss or MPHL strikes nearly 50 per cent of the men round the world by the time they step into their 50s. However, now comes good news for such people or we could say for such bald people, as a new study using pairs of identical twins has come out transpiring dutasteride (a particular enzyme inhibitor) as a portent weapon to fight hair loss.

During the course of study that lasted up to one year, researchers provided one of the each pair of twins with 0.5 mg/day of the medication and other were provided simply with placebo. Finally, results, which came out were amazing. According to these results, where hair loss continued steadily in placebo group while in the group, using dutasteride, hair growth was improved actively.

This finding is really a great achievement by the experts, as it stands quite opposite to the common assumption, according to which MPHL is fully genetically controlled. So, keeping in mind the efficacy of dutasteride, which came out through the latest study, it could be said that the now hairy head is no longer a dream for bald people.


Via: Science Daily

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