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Foot the pain

If you got a normal foot pain for a hours, it’s probably you’re new pair of shoes or the bad soles but if your pain isn’t subdued in the next few days, then it’s something to be worried about. A new research believes that some foot pains could be a sign of vascular disease, diabetes and even cancer.

In their 30s or 40s normally have their soles swelled during their menstruation; this is normal so you don’t have to worry about it. But swelling is also a symptom of high blood pressure. Another disease that is closely associated with the feet is the Osteoporosis. Bone density of the legs and feet are normally what doctors conduct X-rays on to detect Osteoporosis.

Having Cramps in the middle of the night in the leg or feet could indicate a vascular problem. It is when blood is not properly circulated to the muscles. This can lead to amputation if not treated on time. There are other symptoms for these diseases but the foot is normally the first place to notice them. It’s normal that we tend to disregard the sore legs and a swelling foot but its time to foot the pain.
The American Podiatric Medical Association has given some tips to protect your feet.
1. Don’t ignore foot pain. If the pain persists, see a podiatric physician.
2. Wash your feet regularly, especially between the toes, and be sure to dry them completely.
3. Make sure that your shoes fit properly. Purchase new shoes later in the day when feet tend to be at their largest and replace worn-out shoes as soon as possible.
4. Alternate shoes – don’t wear the same pair of shoes every day.
5. Avoid walking barefoot – your feet will be more prone to injury and infection and always use sunblock on your feet just as on the rest of your body.


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