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America needs to further improve infant mortality rating


Infant mortality rate is an area of high concern to many folks. Even though the infant mortality rate is improving in the US, the country still ranks at the bottom of the list. I think this is an unacceptable fact given that the US is one of the most powerful and advanced nations.

Let’s look at some of the statistics. The year 1960 was pretty rough. The stats show 26 deaths per 1000 births. In 2001, the rate was 6.8 deaths per 1000 live births. In 2006, things have improved and it’s about 7 deaths per 1000 births. So, things are definitely changing in the country. Although, several other developing nations are ahead of the U.S.

As of now, the mortality rate is comparable to other countries like Croatia, Lithuania as well as Taiwan. What’s the reason behind this situation? Well, there are several reasons. Socio-economic status among the African Americans, poor health care standards in certain parts of the country, as well as an increase in premature birth rate contribute towards the changes in the mortality rate.

Experts have proved that the ‘middle-income’ countries have paid more attention to the infant mortality aspect than the US. Currently, Japan probably has the best rate. Japanese sources reported 1.8 deaths per 1000 live births. Even though several things like enhanced vaccinations, better nutrition, improved public hygiene, as well as safer family environment are available in America, a lot more needs to be done in order to improve the infant mortality rate.

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