United Flight 93 ad campaign only on conservative political blogs

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

united flight 93 movie 9 11 terrorist attack

United Flight 93, the movie on 9/11 terrorist attack finds itself amid curious political controversy. Crooks and Liars noticed that the film’s advertising and promotion team has purchased bulk ad spots from many a blogs. And the common thing about all of them are- they are all part of a Conservative blog network. In fact the team has not bought a single blog ad space from the Liberals.

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Chris Bowers wonders why not they put ads on Liberal Blog Networks. After all it’s four times larger in size.

Do they think that attack is only relevant to red America? Do they think that only Republicans were attacked on 9/11? Do they think that only conservatives remember that day? Do they think that the only people who took action on United Flight 93 had voted for George Bush one year earlier?

I dont understand much of political stuff, wonder why the United 93 ad camapign is scheduled to one particular ism only. Should not it be a film for all the people?

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