Setting up a business that lasts long and lives well

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Many of the famous and internationally known entrepreneurs had begun their journey from a small cubicle or the garage of their home. They had little funds and no idea that they will actually succeed. But, they had a dream, a vision and perseverance that helped them move forward. One step at a time.


There is no secret formula of building a business that will last forever. If you are an entrepreneur who is hoping to make it big, make sure your business idea is flexible and scalable. These two factors determine if you will be able to serve the customers for long enough. People are always in need of new things and technologies. Start small but change and grow with time. Some ideas have been discussed in the following to help you through.

Expect more troubles than you can tackle

 Stressed and tired business woman with a laptop

Entrepreneurs are bound to face unexpected troubles and challenges once they launch their business. It is always better to be prepared for the challenges that you already know about. Write down the list of problems that you are expecting. Take care of them by finding solutions and alternatives.

This way your problem solving skill will develop. It is advisable that you start on a small scale and determine the amount of risk you are capable of taking. Conduct market surveys and gauge the demand for your products and services. These necessary steps will give you a winning chance.

Identify and build a niche


Jack of all trades, master of none should not be your business vision statement. In today’s world if you want to build a lasting business then finding a niche is necessary. Even if it is a popular segment like fashion or food, you can still offer unique products. The idea is to build a brand. The customers should go to you for getting a particular type of food, clothes or other products. You have to be the master of your niche. Identify a niche and build your brand with care.

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Clarity of vision and foresight

 business plan

Use your mind to write your history. Where do you want to see your business in next five years? If you can answer this question in a precise manner that means your vision has got clarity. Write down the business plan.

Review the mission and vision statements every once in a while. As the market changes and your business grow, new avenues may open up. This will require you to change the vision statement. Do what your competitors are not doing. Offer what others are not offering. That’s the kind of business foresight you need for succeeding.

Ethical and sustainable practices

 eco-friendly business

Sustainable practices can always help you in building a strong business. From the very beginning you have to cautious regarding the use of resources. Reduce the use of paper and do all the invoicing and communication electronically. Buyers can get receipt and bills on their phones and email ids on purchase. Make sure to offer justified benefits to the workers along with compensations whenever necessary. Ethical practices and transparency helps entrepreneurs in gaining the trust of suppliers and buyers.

Keep on innovating

 sustainable growth

Never stop innovating new ideas and strategies for reaching your targets. For spreading your business you will need to learn about the cultural background of your target audience. Speak to them in a language and vernacular that they can understand. Reach out in as many ways as possible and interact with the buyers directly. Utilize newer and better business platforms for sustainable growth and development.

Building a long lasting business is not an easy task. You must have perseverance and build a positive brand image for succeeding. Being the leader of a small niche always pays of more than being just another player of a huge segment.

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