Proximus Ad: shrouded in controversy, cleared by Jury

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

This television commercial promoting Proximus, a mobile operator from Belgium recently came under intense controversy owing to the sexually explicit content. The complaints were made against this advert on the ground that it is immoral and promotes homo sexuality. In addition to it, it was also charged that the advertisement was aired when children could be watching.

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The advertisers have argued that the company wanted to emphasize they never intended to make the ad sexually explicit and vulgar. The aim of the ad was to be funny based on the natural inclination towards sex of an adolescent. Further, the company asserted that there is no relation between reality and the advertisement.

The advertisement watchdog has ruled that the advertisement should not be aired when children could be watching. Further, they stated that the advertisement has used an extreme form of humor to depict the dream of a young man. They concluded that there was no risk of the ad being taken literally and the ad is by no means sexually obscene or offensive.

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