Positioning your product right is winning half the marketing battle

product positioning
Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Marketing is the true driver of your sales program. It is in the hands of the marketer to create an effective marketing strategy so that the company earns larger shares of profits and helps increase their market share. The most important part of the marketing strategy is positioning. It is often said that if you place your product right, you have won half the battle. It is indeed very important to understand that to develop results oriented marketing strategy, the marketer has to know what the ideal market for the product is. Placing and positioning are the elements that decide the success and the failure rates of the product. Effective market positioning is highly important to resonate the message in and around the markets and makes the product popular amongst the pupils.

The fundamentals of positioning:

  • Influencing the customer to buy the product
  • Creating a positive impact when the customer extensively evaluates the product
  • Crating a place in the minds of the customers; increasing the recalling power of the product
  • Highlighting the relevance and credibility of the product
  • Increasing the effectiveness of the product

Serve right:

You have to understand that your product is made for a certain set of people in the market. You cannot please all. You have to create a niche for yourself and focus on only those individuals who fall under this niche. You have to make sure that you identify the specific demographic are that you have to cater. For example, Pepsi Co has increased their overall sales by positioning their product right. Their marketing message says, “Choice of a new generation,” this largely attracted the younger generation and took it as a matter of pride to have a pespsi. Youthful and energetic youth made Pepsi their preference and this effectively promoted the product sales as well as the revenue earned thereafter.

Know what they want:

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In marketing customer is the king, therefore their choices, demands and requirements play a vital role in deciding the destiny of the product, which is floated in the market. Make sure you effectively communicate to your customers so that you know what needs to be changed about the product, what the customers expects out of your product and many more.

The message is all important:

The value aspect has to be added to the product, to create an effective impact in the market. Marketer should know what would appeal to their target audience; the message so attached should best suit the target customers. Message largely impacts the positioning of the product. Message of Apple Computers, “Everything is easier on a Mac” is targeted against its competitors, stating apple computers are far easier and simpler to use. It is the message that helps in understanding that which product should be targeted and positioned in which particular market.

Understanding the market type for positioning:

If you are entering a new market, you should position yourself to come into the eyes of the visionary buyers and so you are considered to have the potentials of becoming a market leader. You should always strife to get a position where you have a competitive advantage over others. If you are already a part of the market then the positioning strategy changes according to the market changes. Once you position yourself as a market leader, you have to maintain that position as well. For doing so, you have to upgrade your product on a regular basis and make changes to your product after communicating with the pupils that are an integral part of your niche.

Summary: Positioning is a very important aspect of the market strategy and largely affects the sales pattern of the product. In order to become a market leader you have to position yourself in a position where you a competitive advantage over others in the market.

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