PIXSTA to revolutionize online advertising with image-to-image search

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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While Microsoft is courting Yahoo! to give Google a tough competition in its nearly monopolistic online advertising market, UK-based PIXSTA has arrived with a novel online advertising method that will definitely give the Google folks nightmare. PIXSTA has developed a revenue-generating advertising network for the online fashion retail market that with its image-to-image search technique that has more acceptability for the online shoppers, advertisers and publishers.

Being completely different from the currently available text-to-text and text-to-image searching techniques of the popular search engines, PIXSTA has relied on the visual appeal of advertising by evolving image-to-image searching. Users would click on an image of an item that would return more images of similar items that are similar in color, shape, texture. Clicking on any of the item resubmits that item as the search term. Ultimately, when the user finds the desired item she could purchase the item by not only clicking to the retailer’s home page but would directly land on the product page.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

PIXSTA AdImages will make online advertising more profitable for advertisers with every click converting to a sale becoming more positive. For media brand owners this would lead to a new way of monetizing their sites. As for the consumers it would reduce time spend on useless searching.


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