New McDonald’s ad rocks fries

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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For long Big Macs have been the staple diet of gamers, kids and generally people who are seen as “normal” by the society at large. That may be one of the major reasons that rockers and followers of the genre are never really considered to be McDonald’s regulars. Of course that could also have something to do with the fact the rock stars and their fans are known to survive mostly on a liquid and chemical diet! But all that may soon change as the junk food giants are now stepping up their game and becoming more “rock-friendly” if you will! This cool new ad created by Brazilian agency Taterka Communications certainly seems to propagate so and the fact that they are paying a tribute to the rockers by starting with something as small but addictive as fries certainly tells us they know what they are doing here too!

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Source: O Galo Cinza

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