The need for online advertising, and the methods it follows

online advertising
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A company needs many things before embarking an online business. This requires important things to be in place to develop a product or service and for this, online advertising plays an important role. It is an industry worth billions of dollars and helps make an unknown brand popular in single day. It is beneficial in every stage of a business from growing a brand to selling of a brand. Online advertising is quite flexible and cost-effective as well. It is the best way to make a brand image in an online market place.

Need for online advertising

Online advertising is the best way to make the use of internet for promoting new product and service. It can easily grow the brand of a small enterprise as it is an inexpensive method for an enterprise to expand the awareness of a particular business and helps to grow the customer base.


It is a visible way of promoting a particular brand online as it can be displayed on its own website and other websites so that people can easily get to know about that brand or product.

Cost-effective and time saving

Unlike other promotional methods, online advertising is cost-effective. A company can easily promote its product and brand without spending much. Moreover, it takes less than one day to convert an unknown brand into a renowned brand. It also saves time and gives its results in a short period.

Helps in promotion

A brand need to grow and this cannot work without promotion. Online advertising makes it easier and helps in the promotion of a brand. These days, millions of people make use of the internet, and as such it is important that its potential be exploited.

Methods of online advertising

Online advertising helps people and company as well. It creates awareness in the people about the product and this helps the company to increase its sale. Main methods of online advertising are as follows:

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Display advertising

It is one of the oldest forms of advertising and it is popular in today’s world of advertising as well. Display advertising include banner advertisements, static images, and video advertisements. This type of advertisement appears in the borders of other websites and WebPages.

Local advertising

This method of advertising deals with specification location as it helps to drive people in a particular area, mostly, the area of operation for a business. It can collaborate with local channels and can display your advertisement on devices in a particular area. This can use the local listening sections of search engines such as Bing, Google, and Yahoo.

You can easily register your business on these listing sections and can avail the benefits of this for your business promotion. This also forms a part of targeted advertising, as your ad expenditure would be limited to an area that can affect your business, and not be spent on people who are very unlikely to make use of your services.

Search-based advertising

Search-based advertising is an effective method of online advertising as it connects you with those consumers who are looking for products or services that you provide. It makes the use of different search engines and displays your product or service on the screen of the consumer or user, when relevant to their search terms.

Social marketing

Social networking sites are the best place to draw the attention of people towards your product, as billions of people are active on these sites. A company can easily make their page on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.


Online advertising is the best and cost effective way to promote a company’s product or service. It is useful and important for every type of enterprise whether it is small, medium, or large.

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