Mercedes Benz breast cancer ad: Why robot?

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

mercedes benz breast cancer ad

In a social way to connect with consumer, Mercedes Benz in its latest ad is speaking to the women (and also to sensible men). The ad text goes,

‘Unfortunately we can’t test everything for you. Check your breast for breast cancer once a month. For your safety’s sake. Mercedes-Benz.’

Look at the ad above now.

Why robot, why this machine, you would wonder. Can’t they get a beautiful, sun-kissed, fresh girl? Why this square faced Terminator Arnold’s girlfriend like mechanical box?

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Because Germany born Mercedes is always like that. They can never be round shaped like Korean or Japanese, they would show humanization of machine rather than the opposite. That has been their branding mantra for ages.

Look at the body text that says ‘we can not test everything for you,’ means we test the minutest of details in our cars but checking individual health is beyond ours. The machine symbolizes order, discipline and modesty, core branding values that Mercedes has been associated with for long.

Straight posture, symmetrical hands, the robot also embodies self-actualization, affiliation and self-esteem.


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