Max New York Life: selling some Indian humor

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Earlier, selling insurance was a serious business. The advertisements for insurance companies were usually developed with a serious tone, the message was conveyed in a rather direct way and humor was considered to be an anathema in this genre of ads. But times have changed. Now, the idea of using humor as a supporting factor in communicating the message is widely prevalent in insurance ads. This commercial for Max New York Life is just an example for this not-new trend in insurance advertising.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Developed by Prasoon Pandey (Corcoise Films), the ad meticulously banks on the usual Indian scenario, which is, although open to new ideas and different opinions, basically rooted in traditional family values. So, in this humorous depiction of this scenario, we can see the over-anxious parents who are very concerned about their teenager son. The middle-aged couple is looking for their son’s seat in a train. Father locates the seat, rebukes the girl in the compartment for hijacking their berth with her luggage, locks the boy’s luggage, garlands him with the key and cautions him to not get down while the train is moving. At the same time, the concerned mommy is also busy with giving advices to her dear son. The funny situation reaches its climax, when the boy sheepishly approaches the girl in her compartment and says- ‘My Papa loves me a lot’.

Well, the humor definitely attracts our attention. However, when we are dealing with humor in an advertisement, there is always an inherent danger. We tend to remember the ad for a long time, but we soon forget the product.(remember how Ford tried to sell their cars through humor?). if the viewer finds it difficult to make an association with this entertaining situation and the product, that will be a negative situation. However, in terms of creative execution, this work can be compared to a gorgeous girl.

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