How the Best Social Media Marketing Tactics Can Influence Your SEO

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Social media marketing is about getting the audience to notice what your business is up to and to get them to visit your business’ website and blogs. But thinking that the end goal of social media marketing is only to get people to visit your main webpage can be a fatal mistake especially if you are looking to boost your existing SEO tactics. Here are a few social media marketing tricks that can also boost your SEO strategy.

1. Follow the 50/30/20 content rule

If you are looking to use your business’ social media page as a supplement for your core SEO plans, you need to follow the 50/30/20 formula developed by Weintraub and Litwinka. According to the noted social media marketing gurus, when posting content on social media with a view to boost SEO, you need to ensure that 50% of all content comprises of actual news related to your business or industry. The next 30% should be focused on developing and projecting the personality that you want your brand to be known by (LOL funny, quirky, witty, sarcastic, insightful, grown up, concerned citizen, industry guru etc.) while the remaining 20% should exclusively business-centric. That means this percentage should include exclusively of promotions, discount and sales announcements etc.

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2. Don’t hard sell the SEO

Audiences using social media are looking for a non-commercial space where they can kill time or meet up with friends. For this audience, advertising and hard selling brands are a huge turn off and they even consider them invasive to their social media space. If SEO is a priority for you, ensure that the links you post and the updates you make contain crucial keywords instead of making every update about how awesome your brand is.

3. Mind the grammar, punctuation and spelling

Google Panda and Penguin genuinely have a thing against content that boasts of incorrect spelling, bad punctuation and poor grammar. While it is sort of OK to use internetspeak every now and then, using it too frequently will take SEO points away from your social media content.

4. Keep your content human

Even if you have set social media marketing on a schedule and already have a bunch of updates, links and blog posts lined up for the entire week, you need to ensure that your social media pages always retain the human touch. Hence, if your industry or society has suffered some tragedy or has some cheerful news, remember to throw in an update about it on your social media. If for nothing else, then do it for SEO points!

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