Elizabeth Edwards appears in latest presidential campaign ad for husband

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards has unveiled a new television advertisement in New Hampshire featuring his wife Elizabeth. The advertisement showing Elizabeth Edwards praising the presidential qualities she observes in her husband, his ‘unbelievable toughness,’ optimism and work ethic, at the same time photographs of John Edwards on the trail fade in and out. In fact, in recent times she has gained immense national popularity comparable to all present leaders, combined with the sensitivity around her continuing battle with cancer, and these circumstances do not make her vulnerable to counterattacks.

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In a recent interview, Elizabeth Edwards had questioned Sen. Hillary Clinton’s health care proposals and reason for running. At the same time, she also argued that her husband would be a better advocate for women saying, ‘She’s just not as vocal a women’s advocate as I want to see’. Though, Elizabeth struggling with breast cancer, but she stands on her own merits as a lawyer, mother and powerful campaigner and due to these qualities her popularity is soaring every passing, probably more than her husband.


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