Advertising watchdog bans Xbox 360 ad in Ireland

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

This television spot for the X box 360 was banned by the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland after receiving complaints. The complaints argued that the advertisement is irresponsible in the light of the high number of road deaths and the present efforts to improve road safety. In the mean while one complained charged that the advertisement is glamorizing speeding in cars.

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The advertisers on the other hand failed to provide an explanation to the complaints made against the advertisement even after repeated attempts of the ASA. The advertisers had given verbal assurances that a response has been formulated and would be submitted.

Considering their failure to come out with explanation the ASA ruled the act has breached the Code. In the absence of explanation from the advertisers the ASA upheld the complaints. The ASA has noted that any advertisement should encourage dangerous behavior or unsafe practices.

Via Best Rejected Advertising

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