Dr Prem Jagyasi, a globally renowned trainer & speaker and medical tourism expert will conduct a Two-day Training & Certificate program in Medical Tourism at Hotel Holiday Inn, Mumbai on June 1-2 2012. Read more
Dr Prem’s guides and magazines provide comprehensive information and in-depth analysis on various subjects such as Global Healthcare, Healthcare Leadership, Medical Tourism, Health Insurance, Healthcare Branding & Marketing, Wellness Tourism, Eco Tourism. Amongst many other industry and business guides, he also launched personal development guide on How to Live a Great Life which has got huge attention across the globe.
Threadbare and wretched, the funny little man walked with a limp. He wore a serious look and carried an imposing air and a painted stick that had a funny design as was the face of its owner.A fluffy cotton ball hung loosely from the conical cap that fitted his crown with a slight tilt.His face was done in garish pigments of blue and white and a spherical ball was stuck up at the tip of his nose.”Whack” he smacked himself with the stick he carried on his little ass bump from where in an instant a forceful jet of water raced out drenching the little man to the loud applause from the gallery.
Diabetics have to manage their health more precisely than people with almost any other type of chronic condition. Sleep cycles, meals, activity, medication, and testing must all be carefully monitored for consistency and appropriate proportioning. Read more
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance”
– Oscar Wilde Read more
Running a startup comes with a hefty price tag. Until you’re able to raise enough capital, you’re solely responsible for all company expenses. While your product or service may be beneficial to you and profitable to your company, it can take some time before you start generating a healthy amount of sales. In the meantime, it will be important for you to find ways to save money so that you can invest in areas of the business that need it most. Read more
If you love reading books but do not have enough time, an amazing app Blinkist is available to solve your problem. It is the creation of four friends from Germany with a current team of 14 employees. Blinkist is a Berlin based collection of books that help you read several books within a few minutes. You can read a single book just in 15 minutes. Launched in August, the app is compatible with android and iPhones, and gives you updates on the important points, somewhat similar to news updates. Read more
Studies say that almost 1 out of every 10 leaders our there are unteachable. They are narcissistic and tend to drain the capability and intelligence of their subordinates rather than promoting them. Bad leadership can have adverse effects on the company, including low morale, motivation, productivity and retention rate. So how do you know whether a leader is unteachable? Look out for these signs. Read more
“The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.”
― Dr. Steve Maraboli Read more
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
― Oprah Winfrey Read more
The success of your business depends greatly on the perceived value of the brand. Whether the business is public or private, the brand will influence the pricing strategy for your products and services, as well as the business’s equity price. The team from Promotional Product Experts have provided the following techniques that can be applied to your business when promoting your products in Australia.
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The first step towards engaging in a healthier lifestyle is to make the conscious decision to become fit. However, that is far from the only decision you need to make if you wish to meet your objectives in a successful manner. Be clear in your intentions to help maintain focus.The next decision on your radar should be the focal point of your fitness goals. If you are seeking to lose a couple of pounds, decide on a timeline and a budget. These are integral in figuring out which pieces of equipment will best fit your needs. Read more
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The wellness industry is witnessing global upward transformation. Since the consumer is seeking more wellness solutions across the globe, the health industry is transforming from medical care to comprehensive integrative care solutions and real estate as well as hospitality industries are coming up with more innovative wellness hotel concepts. Dr Prem is going to deliver keynote to share some global facts and figures along with key success strategies to develop wellness business in India.
Patience is a lost virtue in today’s cutthroat competitive world that places an increasing demand on instant results. Some may even argue that patience is no longer considered essential in a world where technological advancements help us get everything practically instantly. However, lack of patience can decrease our ability to tolerate delays and failures. With time, this can create great hindrances to reach our goals, succeed in our relationships or feel satisfied with our lives. Read more
Employee development is always one of the topmost priorities for businesses for reasons that are quite easy to comprehend. The obvious factors that corporate training sessions eye on include improving productivity, acquiring new skill sets, boosting goal-oriented endeavors, adhering to better quality standards, and of course, increasing ability to respond to change with confidence. Then again, there are several other deliverables that such sessions should target to enhance the competency level of its staff, some of which include empowering them to realize their dreams, make meaningful contributions and accordingly, improve their lives. Read more
Everyone wants to be a leader, but only a few have what it takes to succeed. Great leadership comes from a capacity to motivate people and bring them together. This skill is the backbone of an organization. The best leaders out there are willing to accept responsibility and solve any problems that may arise. They have a vision and know how to handle conflicts. So, do you have what it takes to be a good leader? Here are some essential skills to look for: Read more
The relationship you share with your doctor can be one of the most important in your life. Unlike most other relationships, your doctor should be someone with whom you share deeply personal matters, all while learning better and healthier ways to live your life. This is the ideal, but many people never achieve this level of comfort with a personal physician. It’s a shame, because doing so can add years to your life, and make them happier and healthier every step of the way. Some people avoid going to the doctor at all, simply because they’ve never been comfortable with this relationship. With so much to gain and so little to lose through establishing great rapport with your doctor, it’s worth a little extra effort. Here are ways to achieve it. Read more
The second edition of International India Medical Tourism Congress, more often referred to as IIMTC, went underway from 20 November to 21 November 2015 in the Indian capital city of New Delhi. One its kind medical tourism and global healthcare conference in India, IIMTC is a converging point for the medical tourism industry stakeholders, policy makers and several government as well as nongovernmental organizations to strategize and network, which can take the medical industry to a new level. Attended by delegates and speakers from USA, Russia and CIS, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Middle East, SAARC and several African countries, the conference was a roaring success. Read more