When the relationship is new, showing love and gratitudecomes naturally. Everything looks and feels dreamy when the love is fresh and brewing. At the start of every relationship, people feel that their love for each other is enough to keep the relationship going. What people don’t realize is that the rose glass in front of their eyes, which is present at the start of their relationship, will break eventually. Once the normalcy of everyday routine sets in, “love” won’t be enough to survive the twists and turns a relationship will face. Read more
Dr Prem Jagyasi and Teamhttps://drprem.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Dr-Prem-White-Logo-Live-A-Great-Life-With-DrPrem.com_.pngDr Prem Jagyasi and Team2019-09-26 05:43:232019-09-26 05:43:23Importance Of Showing Gratitude In Marriage
To what extent do you value free will in work? Even if people are not willing to give a second thought on this, free will matters in professional well being. A new research released in the Personality and Social Psychology bulletin emphasizes the importance of free will and work satisfaction – irrespective of the type of job and geographical location.
https://drprem.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/job-satisfaction-5.jpg533800Dr Prem Jagyasi and Teamhttps://drprem.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Dr-Prem-White-Logo-Live-A-Great-Life-With-DrPrem.com_.pngDr Prem Jagyasi and Team2018-03-20 05:59:272018-03-20 05:59:27Understanding The Relation Between Free Will And Work Satisfaction
There are many questions regarding scaling companies like means by which it can be possible to scale a company faster or reasons to invest in any particular activity when it is not scalable. It is important to invest in activities that are scalable but interestingly many of the useful insights originate from activities, which are considered to be unscalable.
https://drprem.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/startups-should-care-about-unscalable-things.jpg400600Dr Prem Jagyasi and Team (C)https://drprem.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Dr-Prem-White-Logo-Live-A-Great-Life-With-DrPrem.com_.pngDr Prem Jagyasi and Team (C)2014-08-07 08:19:242014-08-11 09:21:17Reasons why startups should care about unscalable things
To achieve success in career you must learn to work in a team and make a niche in your team. In a corporate infrastructure often workers have to team up for getting different jobs done. Even the most efficient employees need to team up sometimes for completing projects. If you do not know how to work in a team then you will not be able to form a healthy working relationship with your coworkers. All the people who work in an organization are actually a team and they have to strive together to achieve the company goals. Never extending your helping hand for your colleagues can stop you from riding the corporate ladder. Only a good team player knows how to lead a team and emerges as a leader. Being a team player will win you accolades from your bosses and you will become an integral part of your company. Some guidelines on being a good team worker are discussed in the following.
Enhance your work skills:
Never stop learning. The more you learn and develop your skills the more people will want to team up with you and seek your help. Keep on nurturing your technical skills and find new ways to improve the quality of work.
Small things matter:
View your coworkers as your family. You will do small, thoughtful things for your family. The same way you should help in small things in your office. For example you should never leave the copy machine empty and offer to bring a cup of coffee for your colleague sometimes.
Earn trust:
To be recognized as a good team player you will have to earn the trust of your coworkers. You can make this possible by being reliable and finishing the tasks given to you on time. Meet the deadlines and never postpone work.
Must be flexible:
You have to be flexible to be a good team worker. You should be able to work for a few more hours extra to complete projects. Sometimes you may have to stay late at office or take work back home.
Make your contribution count:
To be a good team player you will have to offer substantial help. Your suggestions or work should matter. Try to use your knowledge and skills as best as you can to achieve this.
https://drprem.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/159668470.jpg337508Dr Prem Jagyasi and Teamhttps://drprem.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Dr-Prem-White-Logo-Live-A-Great-Life-With-DrPrem.com_.pngDr Prem Jagyasi and Team2013-12-08 10:09:222013-12-08 10:10:14Learn to be a team player for achieving more success