Trends you should avoid this year while planning your wedding

We all go a bit overboard while planning a wedding due to our excitement. There is a fine line between what can really go well and what you can avoid. Some trends are just no more on the list and should be avoided when you are planning a wedding. There may have been a time when these trends were happening; but just as how things change, similarly trends change. Here are a few wedding trends to avoid.

Naming drinks


It is good to customize your wedding but it goes overboard when you push things too much. Naming the wedding drinks after the bride and groom is a trend that is way past the word NO. Let the bar menu sustain it’s originality.

Decorating the Dining Table with Garlands

Garland decoration for the tables is a trend of the past.  Today there are better ways to decorate the dining tables in the venue. This form of decoration is not just expensive but does not serve any other purpose. In short, it’s just a waste of money.

The big sized bridal bouquet


There is a difference between a Bouquet and a vase. When the bride walks down the aisle, she should hold a bouquet in her hand that does not look like a vase.  The ideal size of the bridal bouquet should only show the flowers, the hands, and no stems hanging down.

Wedding expenditure ratio

Planning a wedding does not mean that only the bride’s side pays the bill. Leave the ratio of the wedding expenses to the right size of 50-50. A wedding is a new journey of two families becoming one and it should reflect in every way from Day 1.

Avoid the Multi-Course option


If you take a good look at the amount of food that gets wasted in a wedding, it is alarming. This is not just a waste of money but also food. Instead, stick to the basics of the one veg and non-veg starters, a main course selection that people will surely eat. If you want to ensure that your guests do not go hungry, opt for bite sized snacks and limit the main course.

Naked Cakes

We are no more in 2016 where naked cakes were the top of the trends. No doubt, they had a unique look and were not loaded with frosting; but they do dry out quickly and make the cake look very stale. Now it is time to choose an appropriate wedding cake that is in trend for 2017.

 Flower Crowns

As much as flower crowns are very beautiful to look at but it is time to revolutionize the wedding headwear. Instead of opting for the full sized crown, you can find some amazing solutions for headwears for the wedding that will still make you look beautiful.

The gigantic wedding photo album


Many times, we find duplicates of the same pose in wedding albums.  Some wedding albums are so huge it almost looks like an encyclopedia. As much as you would want to keep your as many memories of your wedding album, avoid having a big collection. Before you get your wedding photos printed, as a copy of all the pictures on a pen drive and down size the one’s that you would want to have in your wedding album.  You can always store the rest on your computer.

The one-liner signage

It is great to let your guests know where they should go, but there is a huge difference between giving that information and making a statement. The one-liner signage with the so Called mushy quotes are no more a part of the list.  Remember – It is a wedding not an internet marketing strategy.

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