We all feel prone to skin infections at one time or another. If you look into it when it is just in starting stage, you can cure it faster. However, if you leave it just like that, it might increase. There are various reasons why a person’s skin may be infected. One reasons for the infection of the skin is due to Virus. One such condition that is caused by a viral infection is Warts.
Warts are not only ugly to look at, they can also grow anywhere in the body. The HPV virus that causes the growth of Warts seeps into the skin through a cut. The skin’s upper layer is infected due to the virus, which results in the growth of Warts. To treat this condition, you can use various therapies and medication that can kill the virus from the root.
Essential oils have various kinds of properties that take care of different kinds of infections. As a natural therapy you can use these oils to treat the viral infections that cause warts. One such therapy that you can consider is using Essential Oils. These Oils can help cure Warts. They are as follows.
Tea Tree Oil
Known as a suitable remedy, Tea Tree Oil has antiviral properties, which is ideal for Wart removal. For treating it with this oil, you need to take a bandage and undiluted oil. Before you go to sleep, apply the oil in the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Clean the area properly in the morning and repeat the process again in the night. Do this until the warts disappear.
Oregano essential oil
Another perfect way to take care of warts is by using oregano essential oil. It has antiviral properties that can take care of the warts. You need to take the 15 drops of undiluted oregano oil and mix it with ¼ cup of coconut oil, 2 teaspoon of beeswax and 2 teaspoons of activated charcoal. For the treatment, you need to melt the coconut oil and beeswax in a double boiler and add the oregano essential oil and activated charcoal. Once this mixture is cool, you can apply the affected area. Keep on repeating this process by changing the bandage and applying the salve every night.
Thyme Oil
Another perfect way to combat skin virus is by using Thyme Oil. Just like any other essential oil, Thyme oil also has antiviral properties that are effective for combating different kinds of skin virus.
Clove Oil
Known for its anti inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial as well as antiviral properties Clove oil is perfect to take care of any problem. It is not only good for your tooth problem; however, it will also ease the pain that you may experience when you are burning the wart, as it is a natural anesthetic. So enjoy the multiple benefits of using clove oil for your treatment.
Cajuput Oil
Cajuput oil is another perfect essential oil that is ideal to treat any infection caused due to virus. Tea Tree Oil and Cajuput Oil have the similar kinds of antiviral properties as they belong to the same family. This oil is another good choice to treat viral infections like Warts.
Eucalyptus Oil
A very common oil that is found in most homes, Eucalyptus oil is ideal for many ailments. If you want to cure your Warts, you can use this oil on the affected area. This oil is economical and is available in any store. With this oil, you do not have to worry about your warts treatment.
Peppermint oil
It is a versatile oil that you can use to cure any kind of cold sore as well as viral infections. This oil is perfect especially during the early stages of the wart. Peppermint oil can prove to be an effective for the herpes virus. You can treat it by applying this oil on the affected area.
Lemongrass Essential Oil
This oil comes in the top of the list for combating type-1 virus. It not only kills the infected cells, however, it also takes care of cold sores. You will see the effectiveness of this oil in a matter of time. Although scientists still don’t know how it works, however, it does prove the desired results of wart removal.