Pregnancy – it’s beautiful and fashionable!

To be a mother is inherent in the nature of a woman. At different stages of life, the question of motherhood arises, but today it does not require abandonment of other, equally important areas of life. A modern woman no longer divides work and pregnancy into two incompatible tasks. She is a business woman, and a leader, and a mother.

expectant mothers attending yoga classTo demonstrate how the lifestyle of pregnant women has changed, ISIDA Clinic and ONE SIZE by Lena Kravets launched the project “Pregnancy is Beautiful and Fashionable”. As part of the project, in September 2016, it conducted a comprehensive online survey of Ukrainian women, the purpose of which was to study attitudes to pregnancy and lifestyle research of modern pregnant women. The survey involved 242 women, of whom 68% raise one child, 28% – two children, 3% – three, 2 mothers of four children.

According to the results of the study, 85% of expectant mothers continued to work during pregnancy. To the question “Have you traveled to Ukraine and abroad during pregnancy?” 80.3% answered positively, including 54.8% went abroad. Most traveled more than 3 times. 69% of respondents continued self-education classes and attended seminars, lectures, courses. According to the results of the survey, 65.3% of expectant mothers attended concerts, 51% of the respondents went in for sports, mainly yoga and swimming, and 63.6% continued to drive a car during pregnancy.

These studies were commented on by successful active mothers:

successful active motherElena Kravets, actress and author of the ONE SIZE by Lena Kravets maternity clothes collection, plunged into creativity in another area during pregnancy and created her own collection of maternity clothes based on the Ukrainian brand InsideU under titled ONE SIZE by Lena Kravets.

“Today, a lot is changing in our minds in particular and in society as a whole. Stereotypes are breaking down, borders are expanding, we are trying to live more consciously and think greener. Previously, the 40th anniversary was considered the middle of life, now at 40 everything is just beginning. It is as if we have found a second youth and want to re-experience the taste of life. We finally found freedom to start a family whenever we want, and not because “age is running out”, – says Elena Kravets.

Lera Borodina, co-owner and president of Oh My Look! A cocktail and evening gown rental and exchange service, a network of G.Bar salons, a patient at ISIDA Care: “I’m sure a child needs a happy, fulfilled mother. If a woman can sit at home and be happy at the same time, that’s fine. I need movement, dynamics, a change of scenery. And pregnancy did not interfere with the usual way of life. ”

Anastasia Bantser, co-owner of the BELOESUHOE production studio, a patient at ISIDA Clinic, said: “During pregnancy, I studied in America at the New York Film Academy and did not receive concessions due to the “interesting” situation. It was hard, but I felt happy. The intense pace did not allow me to degrade, and I did not regret at all that the pregnancy coincided with my studies. ”

Active mothers manage to combine motherhood with a career and an energetic lifestyle. The experience of patients at ISIDA Clinic proves that pregnancy is not a disease, but a happy period in a woman’s life. To become a mother, you do not need to give up the usual lifestyle. It is important to trust reliable professionals who will provide confidence and peace of mind in the “motherhood” project. To know more about motherhood and surrogacy, you can check out the FAQs at ISIDA Care.

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