Aesthetic Guide, Consultancy and Services by Dr Prem

Important Pre-wedding preparation tips for the groom

The big day approaches and there is excitement in the air. With all the running around, arrangements and ensuring that everything is in place; it is important that groom takes care of himself.  Although a lot of attention is given to the bride, but it is no less for the groom.  Before the wedding, the groom equally has a loChristian weddingt to do. Here are few tips to help the groom during the pre-wedding preparations.

Tips while dealing with the responsibilities of the groomsmen

responsibilities of the groomsmen

For the men representing the groom in the alter, it can be very confusing whom to choose.  While allotting the responsibilities, it is advisable to make small teams of two people each to handle specific tasks. This will make things very easy. The man of honor should only be responsible to handle your personal wedding preparations like accompanying you to select your wedding suit etc.

RSVP’s follow-up and list

While dealing with the RSVP’s sit town with your man of honor to keep a track of the RSVP follow-up and list. Apart from that, also ensure that the invites are sent out on time or well in advance. Let the main of honor follow up with the common guests that represent the bride and groom.

Going for your dance practice and wedding practice

dance practice

The pre-wedding preparations also include the dance and wedding practice. Make sure that you schedule yourself properly so that it does not fall heavy on you. While you are in the practice, let your man of honor handle things until you are free. This way it becomes easy for you to focus on what you are doing.

Taking care of family madness

When there is a wedding in the house, it is natural that there will be a lot of madness in the air. You need to ensure that as the groom you remain calm at all times. As much as it is frustrating, reacting to situations will not really help. Instead, consider taking extra help if needed.  Speak out whenever it is necessary and deal with problems or situations systematically.

Planning the guest list

Guest List

As much as you would probably brain storm your guest list with your family, it is also essential that you sit down with the bride. This will help to plan out the common people known to both of you. It will save you the time, trouble and confusion of having duplicates in the list.

Practice and writing your vows

If you are going to have your own set of vows that you will state in the alter, make sure that you practice it well. No doubt, you are bond to get nervous when you stand in the alter, however, keep things in writing so that you do not forget what you want to say.

Dealing with your wedding look


In comparison to the bride, the groom has fewer things to worry about when it comes to his looks. As the wedding day approaches, make it a point to relax as much as possible. Take an appointment with the salon, go for a good spa and massage a day before the wedding. Along with that, plan your wedding look well in advance so that there is no last minute confusion.

Wedding attire trials

Wedding attire trials

Keeping the trials of your wedding attire at least a week in advance is advisable. This way, any last minute changes or alterations becomes easy. Do not wait for the end moment to make changes and/or adjustments. Apart from that, keep a copy of the measurements with you as well as your man of honor at all times. This will help to ensure that your wedding attire fits you well and there are no last minute confusions.

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