The cat eye look will never go out of fashion. It’s been there since the time of Cleopatra, and this look is still the rage with trendsetters and stylists. It is a little tricky to do, but just follow the steps to get the look. After that, get creative to add some glam to the basic cat eye. We’ve found a few ways in which you can create your very own cat eye and mesmerize everyone in sight. Check out how you can get the perfect cat eye:
The basic prep
Apply a primer after thoroughly cleansing, toning and moisturizing your eyes. The primer will help the makeup to sit well. Choose eyeliner with a brush applicator (a thin one) or use a felt tip liner.
How to draw the basic cat eye
Step 1
Draw a smooth line either from the outside corner or draw downwards from the inside corner of your eye, at an upward angle. Draw it a bit longer, as the line might look smaller when you open the eye.
Step 2
Draw a triangle by connecting your flick to the lash line.
Step 3
Now fill the triangle in with enough eyeliner, so that you get a smooth and deep finish.
Step 4
Connect this triangle to the lash line, making it thicker at the outer corner and thinner at the inner corner of the eye.
Step 5
Unless you’re a bona fide artist, you won’t get it right on your first attempt. To correct your mistake/s, touch up with a Q-tip dipped in Vaseline or makeup remover and erase the smudges, or the area you drew too thick (near the inner corner).
Step 6
After the liner dries, apply a few coats of mascara to give the perfect finish.
How do make your cat eye unique
You can vary the thickness, to make your eyes look bigger or thinner. Thicker lines will make the eyes look big and a thin cat eye will elongate your eyes.
A shorter flick will create a simple look but a long and thick flick will make your eyes look dramatic.
You can achieve a graceful and elegant look with curved flicks and an edgy look with a sharp and straight flick.
Glam it up
Once you’re an expert with the basic cat eye, (and you will be, just practice it a few times!), you can then use some eye makeup to glam it up.
Smokey look
The smokey eye look is always trending and it’s quite easy to create. Use an eye pencil to create the cat eyes, and then use a brush or smudger to smudge out the cat eye. Apply liner to the lower lashes and smudge. Applying concealer under the eye will let the eye stand out. It’s as simple as that!
Use eyeshadow
Use eyeshadow to add the glamour factor. You can use only one shade or cleverly blend two shades to make it extra special. Tip: Apply the eyeshadow before drawing the eye.
Fun semi smokey
Keep the basic cat eye black, and then apply a bright and bold color underneath the bottom lash line to get the fun semi smokey look.
Glittery cat eye
Use a brown eye shadow to create a base underneath the eye, along the lash line. Then apply the glitter with a liner or fine brush and get that stylish, enigmatic cat eye look.
The easiest way to up your glam quotient is to perfect the cat eye look. Use the tips above to get the look right and create your own unique cat eye look.