Aesthetic Guide, Consultancy and Services by Dr Prem

Beginner’s guide to the best eye makeup for older hooded eyes

The trick to apply makeup on your hooded eyes is to enhance your eyes, not to create a younger look, which might appear garish. As you age, makeup should make your face look elegant and graceful, even with crow’s feet and fine lines. These tips for eye makeup for older hooded eyes will offer a subtle highlight to your hooded eyes, which will revitalize them and boost your good feelings about your looks.

Tips for the best eye makeup for older hooded eyes 

1. Use less makeup

makeupAs we grwo older, the skin loses the natural elasticity and the upper part of the eye droops forward giving the ‘hooded’ look. Some people have naturally hooded eyes and some women develop them as they grow older, in their 50s and 60s. Eye makeup which was a no-brainer earlier, now becomes incredibly frustrating and tricky.

Makeup on your droopy eyes should be less, as tons of heavy eye makeup will actually highlight the flaws and add years to your face. Avoid thick, black eyeliner and heavy eyeshadow, as it accentuates the drooping eyes. Also, women who use too much makeup are perceived as trying to hide their looks, as if trying to hide from themselves.

To appear confident and beautiful, use makeup subtly. A dash of blush on the cheeks, a little bit of mascara and lipstick with gloss will be the best look for you. If you have just started to use makeup, get a makeover and learn the tricks for eye makeup for older hooded eyes from the artist!

2. Buy a few brushes

You may think its uncessary, but a basc brush set which is of good quality but don’t cost too much will be a great help for you to apply best matte eyeshadow. Better quality brushes will last longer and do a great job too.

3. Apply makeup with open eyes

Apply makeup with open eyesWhen you’re applying eyeshadow, apply eyeshadow with eyes open. It’s natural to close the eyes, but it’s much more easier to apply eyeshadow when you can see what you are doing. Look into the mirror, and create socket shape.

4. Use a primer

One of the tips for applying eye makeup for older hooded eyes is to apply primer before applying eyeshadow. This will reduce the chances of your makeup from creasing, especially is you have droopy eyes with hooded lids. Products you can try are the Urban Decay Primer Potion or NARS Pro Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base.

The primer will create a smooth base, on which you can build the eyeshadow and also behave like a glue which will hold everything in place.The primer will keep any product from being absorbed into the skin.

5. Create the crease

Create the creaseCreate a crease with a soft brush, which will add depth to the eyeshadow. Swipe the brush in clockwise motion which will build dimension. The soft brush will make it easier to put on the eyeshadow as well as blending it in.

Start by applying neutral, best matte eye shadow shade closer to your eye, which can be flesh toned. The eyeshadow should be from the lash line to the brow bone which will create an even canvas, and cover any skin discoloration on your lids. An oval soft brush will be your best choice.

For hooded eyes, you have to apply the shadow from top to bottom with small strokes, which will prevent the ‘skipping’ effect on loose skin. When you are over 60, the skin might be too loose, so reach with your other hand, and lift up the skin when you apply the shadow.

6. Use a medium matte above the natural crease

Medium matte shade will be the best friend for your eyes. The color can be your choice, but the type should be matte. This color will create the illusion of a bigger crease and make your eyelid hood look receded. Look straight into the mirror and put on this color over the actual crease and sweep along the shape of the eye. It might feel too high the first time, but it is alright. The eyeshadow has to be visible, or else the hood will not appear to be pushed back.

7. Blend

BlendFor the best eye makeup for older hooded eyes, you have to blend the eyeshadow perfectly. Use a brush specially meant for blending and blurs the lines to get a smooth effect, as well as create depth. When you’re over 60, you need your makeup to have the right effect but which should be almost invisible.

8. Create thicker looking eyelashes

Make the eyelashes look longer with a darker eyeshadow and wedge brush. The trick is to push the eyeshadow, wet or dry in the roots of the lashes with the wedge brush. This will create a subtle, soft line which will open up your eyes, make them look bigger and giving you thicker eyelashes.

9. Nourish your eyelids

Nourish your eyelidsWhen you take care of your skin, remember to nourish the lids as well. The eyelid skin might get thinner and loosen up as we age. It becomes more delicate too. So use a moisturizer and serum all over the face and the lids as well. Remove the eye makeup with a gentle makeup remover which will keep the eyelid skin from becoming over dry.

Things to keep in mind while choosingeye makeup for older hooded eyes 

eye shadowEyes speak the beautiful story that your heart fails to tell. It has a unique language of its own through which it communicates. So, the more beautiful the eyes look, the more expressive they can be to tell that beautiful story. Some women accidentally lay their hands on some ugly colors of eye shadow and end up with a not-so-impressive story. You might have gone through endless advice that tells you which colors to choose, but here we are going to talk about which ones to avoid.

Three primary things to look at while choosing eye shadow colors

Women have a strong tendency of matching their accessories, their lip colors, their foot wears with their outfit but an exception should definitely be given to the colors of eye shadow. While picking up a color for your eye shadow you should be focusing on primarily three things-

  • Skin Color
  • Eye Color
  • Hair Color

Eye shadows you should avoid

Eyeshadow color

·         For dusky skineye makeup for older hooded eyes 

For all you dusky beauties, try avoiding white and ashy shades as they fail to make a distinct effect on your eyes. If you have a ‘snow white’ skin, then you should avoid blending shades of silver and grey as they have a tendency of giving you a bruised looks rather than making it luring.

·         Eye shadow choices based on eye color

If your eye color is as blue as the ocean, you should avoid dashing on shades of lilacs and baby blues as it will give you the out of favor ‘80s looks. If you are born with a brown eye color, then you are truly blessed to try almost all eye shadow shades except yellow, which will give you a pale and washed out look. If emeralds are what defines your color, then you should stay away from a color like silver.

·         Your hair has quite a part to play in your choice of eye shadows

Women born with black hair should avoid plain brown eye shadows; rather they should couple it up with some highlight or a slight shimmer because a plain brown will make their eyes look smaller. Blondes should avoid highlighting their eyes with silver and pearl eye shadow.

5 essential tips to help you look younger and eye makeup for older hooded eyes

Eye-makeup-tipsAs they say, eyes reveal the truth; signs of aging are clearly visible around the eyes. There is nothing that we can do to reverse the age, that’s a universal truth that everybody knows. However, here are tips by Dr Prem Jagyasi and his team members to camouflage aging of the eyes or eye makeup for older hooded eyes.

1.    Using a cream

A cream to reduce the wrinkles underneath the eyes would help. A start could be as simple as that. Buy a nighttime application cream, so that it could, do some work more efficiently. You can always take the advice of the professionals at a makeup counter.

2.    Dealing with the dark circles

dark circlesReduction in the dark circles surely will make you look younger. A concealer can come for your rescue here. Keep in mind that you make use of a concealer here and not foundation. Often women apply the concealer by massaging it and that causes the delicate areas of the skin to stretch. Simply, pat the concealer on the area where the dark circles are.

3.    Working on your eyebrows

This area of your face undergoes a lot of pulling, plucking all throughout the lifetime. The hair density in the eyebrows is reduced over a period of time. Also, they discolor with the progression in age. Using a color pencil on the eyebrows will help. Another solution is getting them professionally dyed. Take care that you do not go in for dying more than once a month as it may cause loss of hair.

4.    Taking care of wrinkled eyelids

wrinkled eyelidsIt is natural to get wrinkles on the eyelids with age, the eyelids also lose moisture with age. Using an eye shadow will cover some wrinkles on the eyelids. On the other hand using a shimmery eye shadow will expose the wrinkles. Make use of a silky eye shadow to mask the eyelids.

5.    Using the right glasses

If you happen to wear, eyeglasses, even for the sake of reading, make sure that you choose the right ones. An inappropriate frame not only looks awkward but also adds years to your age. Select a stylish pair, which suits your face structure.

Eye liner colors for eye makeup for older hooded eyes

Eye liner People often say that ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ Well, I would like to modify it a little bit and put it as a woman’s eye is worth a thousand words. It has a story of its own and women enjoy narrating the story to the entire world, but only the chosen ones understand them and are able to de-code its true meaning.

To ensure that the story is told in the best possible way, women find it almost a necessity to highlight their eyes, which are the most important tool for telling a beautiful story. Eyeliner is one such thing which not only brightens your eyes, but also makes them look bigger and bolder. Here is a list of things you should keep in mind while expressing your story through your eyes.

Eye liner colors you should keep at an arms length

·         Avoid black eye liners on the water lines

EYE-LINERA black eye liner on the water lines can make your eyes look smaller and it also gives a little annoying looks thereby resulting in narrating a wrong story.

·         Dark brown eye color

People with dark brown eye color should avoid using lighter eye liners as it will not accentuate your eye, which is the important reason for using eyeliner in the first place.

·         Fair skin tone

People with fair skin tone should avoid golden or bronze eyeliner as it will make you look sick. This is because it gets lost in your skin rather than making your eyes look more prominent than usual.

·         Darker skin tone

Women with a darker skin tone should avoid silver eyeliner as it doesn’t get along well with your skin tone.

·         Olive skin tone

Applying eyelinerWomen with olive skin tone should opt for lighter shades of eyeliner over the darker ones as it is quite tough to highlight their features and the lighter shades of eyeliner best does it.

·         Avoid lining the lower lid

If you want your eye to speak for itself and want your eyes to stand out then it is best to avoid applying dark eyeliners on the lower lid as it will make your eyes look smaller.

Summary on eye makeup for older hooded eyes

No matter what your story is, good or bad – try to tell it as beautifully as you can through your gorgeous eyes. After all your beautiful eyes are the windows to your soul. Make sure you pamper them and feel prettier too with the right liner shades.Think about the compliments that you have received over the years. If you have received a lot of compliments about your eyes, it makes sense to highlight them, and keep them looking younger.

So, keep beautifying your eyes and keep telling beautiful stories to the entire world. There are lots of great brands available that you can doll up with. Make sure you sleep amply. After all, tired eyes are not just a spoiler but also mean a lot of stress. Cut the stress out and shadow the eyes up! Go gorgeous gals.

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