Yoga poses that can help you become more focused


Us human beings tend to lose our ability to focus and concentrate with time, owing to numerous reasons. The innumerable things and happenings around try their best to prevent human beings from concentrating and focusing hard and increase their productivity. Many people feel scatterbrained but do not know the easiest and the most effective way that cures such problem. Yoga is a perfect solution to this problem, and if you also experience decreased concentration and capacity to focus, simply try these following yoga poses twice or thrice a week.

The Eagle Pose

Stand and try to touch your right knee to your chest. Now bend your left knee and cross the right leg over it, and hook your right foot on any side of your left leg. Wrap your arms, the right should come under your left arm and try to sit as low as possible. Hold it and take long breaths, then repeat on the other leg.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

A very simple yet effective yoga that improves concentration in human beings is the alternate nostril breathing, or you call it the Anulom Vilom Pranayama. Sit down on your yoga mat legs crossed, keep your one hand on your thigh in the mudra and take another hand towards your nose. Take a deep breath, while exhaling block your either nostril and exhale it with the other nostril. Now inhale from the nostril you just exhaled, block it and now exhale with the other nostril. Repeat this pattern for a minimum of five minutes every day and experience a marked improvement in your ability to concentrate.

Lord of the Dance Pose/Natrajasana

Anybody practicing this pose looks graceful, both experienced and beginners can perform it, it gives your body a complete stretch, and this pose enhances concentration capability in a person. Stand up straight, and then bend your right leg and hold your ankle with right hand. Start to tilt forward slowly while raising your left hand. Tilt as much as you can and push your right leg as high as you can while holding your ankle. Repeat all this on the other leg.

Seated Meditative Pose

You are required to sit down in any of the meditative poses on your yoga mat, or on the chair if you have pain in your back. Bring both your hands close to form a Namaskar Mudra and ensure both the hands exert pressure on each other. Close your eyes and try to calm down your mind and physical system within while taking deep long breaths. You do not have to close your eyes hard, or no tension should appear on your forehead. Practice this pose freely, it channelizes your nervous system and help you get rid of all negativities.

Warrior III/Virbhardasana III

This pose strengthens your leg muscles and improves your capacity to focus and concentrate. Stand up straight, raise both your hands above your head, and then shift all your weight to your left leg. Now bend your torso forward and extend your right leg backwards at the same time. Hold this position for at least 5 breaths.

Tree Stand

Tree stand is an excellent pose for people who want to enhance their concentration capacity. Stand and lift one of your leg and place the foot on the knee side or above on the other leg. Raise both your arms and join hands above your head. Maintain this position for as long as you can.

Few yoga poses are phenomenally good especially for the concentration and the capacity to focus in people. Practicing those poses help improve the concentration power in people.

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