Relaxing yoga poses that help you loosen up and rejuvenate


Our lives are often stressful and we find ourselves having little opportunity to unwind and catch our breath. One way to get around this and to spend some relaxing and releasing anxiety would be to get involved in yoga exercises. There are several relaxing yoga poses which can help one loosen up and be rejuvenated again. Yoga has gained popularity worldwide because of its capacity to bring about a peace of mind. Below are 10 yoga poses which you can perform in order to release anxiety and feel relaxed.

  • The first pose can be said to be a very simple which helps in releasing stress and tension. To achieve this, stand with feet apart. Keep your toes faced inwards, legs active and knees slightly bent. Make fists with your palms and raise your arms inhaling. Make sure your arms are stretched high up over your head and then gradually swing them downwards through your legs. When doing so, exhale deeply. Repeat this a few times.
  • The second pose is one that helps you release pent up tension. This is an easy pose which requires you to first sit cross legged and then raise your hands over your head. You can make yourself more comfortable by using a cushion and a wall so that your back gets support. When performing this pose, keep your body absolutely upright. Shake your arms, shoulders and head loosely. Perform this steadily and release the energy from your body. Inhale and exhale as you do this.
  • This is the knee hug which requires you to lie on your back and then bend your knees into your tummy. As you do this, take deep breaths.
  • The calming forward bend requires you to stand with your feet apart. Keep your hands on your hips and lean forward while bending your knees. Let your body loose and feel the energy leaving your body.
  • The next pose is keeping your legs up the wall. Sit by the side of the wall and lift your legs up so that you are resting against the wall. Bend your knees so that you will feel comfortable. This poses will help release anxiety from your body.
  • The simple twist-twist pose allows the stretching and strengthening of back and spine. This involves rotating the torso to the side and placing a hand on the floor behind your hip. By holding the right knee with the left hand, look over your right shoulder and look over the right shoulder. Repeat these.
  • The meditation posture-half lotus helps in stretching hips, knees and ankles thereby improving posture. Grasp right foot with both hands and gradually lift it up on the left thigh. Extend your arms to the sides of the knee and breathe deeply as you perform this pose. Repeat with your left foot.
  • The sphinx-backward bending posture helps tighten buttocks and release energy.
  • The triangle-standing position helps stretch and strengthens the legs and lower back. Stand with legs apart and with arms apart. Reach out with your right arm and extend torso till the right hand reaches your right leg. Repeat with the other side. .
  • Finally relax all body parts. Breathe deeply and keep stray thoughts away.


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