

Pilates is a form of exercise that helps to develop muscles and improve coordination. It predominantly focuses on muscles of the back that support the spine. It is not only used to strengthen the muscles but also to improve alignment and provide relief from back pain. Pilates is commonly practiced as a regular exercise therapy in fitness centers.



May years ago, around 75 years, Joseph Pilates discovered the benefits of this therapy. Although he did not formally plan it in the fitness training regime, it was popularized by his practice and his followers. It is widely practiced in many countries in the West.



The basic concept of Pilates therapy is to maintain a balance and coordination. The body and mind need to work in connection to each other and the person requires concentration and control. The activities involved in this therapy need a person to be stabilized, aligned and focused. It is essential to co-ordinate breathing with the prescribed movements and helps to improve the overall health and body-mind co-ordination.



Pilates is either performed as a group fitness class or individual sessions are taken to focus on specific requirements. There may be additional use of equipments during the exercises. Some equipment helps to stabilize and provide support. Resistance bands, exercise balls and other small equipments are also used as the case may be. Individual sessions may be performed in sessions, as decide by the trainer.

Pilates practiced in a group are performed as mat exercise by sitting on the floor. Other techniques like yoga practices may also be clubbed with it. The exercises aim at improving the flexibility of muscles and joints and to improve the strength and tone of the muscles. These exercises can be performed as a regular class in divided sessions per month.



Pilates helps to improve fitness levels by strengthening muscles, posture and overall tone. It is more beneficial for sportspersons, athletes and those involved in physical activities. Some of the health problems that can be relieved with this therapy include chronic neck pain and backache. People with degenerative joint problems like arthritis and muscle pain can obtain relief. It is also ideal to prevent osteoarthritis and reduce stress or stress related troubles.

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