Integrative medicine is the hope for the future of medical industry

Herbs in Alternative Medicine

In the last few years, integrative medicine has got lots of attention from patients all over the world. It has shown a new way of treating people. Integrative medicine provides a more comprehensive and complete healthcare that combines the conventional medicine and alternative medicine together. It has not got scientific validation but people have received satisfactory treatments from the integrative medicine practitioners. It will not be unjustified to consider integrative medicine the future of modern healthcare. Patients have taken a liking to this new genre of medicine because it empowers them and gives them lots of attention. Personalized treatments and flexibility are two of the best endearing characteristics of integrative medicine.


Integrative medicine does not neglect modern western medicine and surgical practices in any way. But at the same time it recognizes the possibilities of the alternative therapies and treatments. The patients who have turned towards integrative medicine have been treated with the help of a combination of conventional and alternative treatments. The conventional medical treatments are complemented by the alternative therapies. A cancer patient’s level of endurance and stamina is boosted with the help of acupuncture and meditation so that he or she can sustain the multiple chemo therapies. Integrative medicine understands that to defeat a disease the body has to be strong from inside. It uses different alternative therapies to improve flexibility of muscles, flow of life energy and blood circulation.

Integrative medicine seems to be the future of medical industry because it successfully engages patients and spreads awareness about wellbeing and good health. The doctors discuss the ailments, symptoms and treatment plans in detail with the patients so that they can make informed choices. As integrative medicine promotes preventive measures it requires active participation from the patients. Preventive measures include dietary changes and physical activities. Proper nutrition and balanced diets can help in speedy recovery from chronic ailments like high blood sugar, heart diseases and kidney problems. Alternative treatments like massages, Reiki, acupuncture and Yoga strengthens the muscles and builds immunity to resist chronic diseases. Only the engagement of patients in healthcare can improve its present condition. Integrative medicine provides cost effective solutions for the patients for keeping fit. All this makes it the best healthcare system for the future of human race.

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