A Precise Guide on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) by Dr. Prem – Concept, Techniques, Benefits, Case Studies And Useful Tips 

A Precise Guide on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Dr. Prem

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) also referred to as Psychotherapy emphasizes dealing with your negativity, lifeexperiences, and situations with acceptance. This encourages commitment toward a healthier, constructive, and happier life.

The objective of ACT is to accept the pains and allow the negative thoughts to reside but take effective actions guided by our core values while remaining engaged in the present. The result is you get an enriched and meaningful life.

ACT attempt to focus on mindfulness for self-improvement. The focused acceptance and commitment therapy has shown promising results in a few trials, treating individuals with problems like depression, substance abuse, chronic diseases, schizophrenia, etc. It works on two principles called de-fusion and expansion. A person experiencing negative thoughts would just let these thoughts reside and not respond/act emotionally to them.

ACT therapy sessions focus on training individuals to ignore these thoughts and find ways to avoid thought patterns that would trap them in a pointless control struggle.It emphasizes the need to address both negative and positive thoughts as mere thoughts that would not judge wellness. Individuals with negative thoughts opting for the ACT are urged to consider their thoughts as casual thoughts that would do them no harm, thereby minimizing the stress caused by them as well as the effort needed to change them.

Things that you will learn from this alternative treatment guide:

A Precise Guide on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) by Dr. Prem – Concept, Techniques, Benefits, Case Studies And Useful Tips 


Portrait of stressed despair young man closed face by two hands

Over several decades, psychological researchers have been working to develop a science-based solution for people who are trying to overcome their mental health issues. This led to success in identifying, addressing, and managing various issues faced by individuals. However, there were significant aspects such as prevention from a relapse and long-term recovery that still required effective solutions. As a result, ACT was developed to give long-term recovery success for every mental condition.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which was originally known as ‘Comprehensive Distancing’ was developed in 1986 by Dr. Stephen Hayes. The root of ACT therapy is based on the Relation Frame Theory (RFT) of Dr. Hayes. The RFT used the rational skills used by our mind for solving problems; however, it could not help overcome psychological pain faced by people.  Thus, the Acceptance and Commitment theory was brought into existence to normalize psychological pain by changing how we feel about it, leading to a constructive, fuller, and healthier life.

Evolution of ACT  

A mental health professional is taking notes in the background. People at group psychotherapy session indoors

ACT came into existence through the Behaviour School of Therapy, which consists of three generations; traditional behaviorism, cognitive behavior (CBT), and contextual approaches to behavior or the current third generation (Hayes 2005). The pure behavior approach suggested that attitude change is not demanded while changing one’s behavior. However, behavior change eventually changes a person’s attitude or more precisely, emotions.

Taking behaviorism a step ahead, ACT or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy suggests that a person’s behavior and emotions can both exist simultaneously and in fact, can be handled progressively.

Mindfulness-based cognitive behavior therapy and dialectical behavior therapy are also included in the contextual approaches. This encourages the belief behind ACT therapy that an individual can live a more fulfilled life by eliminating negative thoughts even in the presence of disruptive or difficult events by consistently choosing to act effectively.

As Acceptance was found to be the missing link in the initial therapy that is traditional behaviorism, it is described to be an essential element in the ACT acronym. Thus, the therapy consists of accepting the hardships of life, choosing a progressive direction based on values, and committing to act on it.

Although, ACT literature dates back to the 1980s when it was believed that pain and suffering should be avoided for a better life but recently in 2005 Dr. Steven C. Hayes has shown empirical promising results of the therapy.

Six Core Components of ACT  


Man with psychologist It is an essential key concept of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Acceptance of your feelings, thoughts, or events regardless of their intensity without trying to ignore or change them. It emphasizes the fact that thoughts and feelings do not necessarily lead to action. However, acknowledging them is important for preventing negative outcomes.

Cognitive Defusion 

man cheering another man while people sitting on chairs during group therapy sessionThe practice of cognitive defusion helps people to alter the way they feel about a situation by not relating or limiting their beliefs to their past experiences. Hereby, clients are encouraged to speak out their thoughts and experiences out loud to defuse them and see a thought just as a thought and not as potential realities.

Self as Context 

Self as Context We are not a product of what has happened to us in the past. We have the power of choice. – said Stephen Covey. The quote refers to our next core process which is Self-as-context. It suggests that our past experiences or emotions do not sum up an individual, there is a separate self beyond those experiences.

Being Present

Happy redhead young woman talking new ideas Being present is encouraged in ACT therapy which helps you to stay mindful of your present surrounding and situations. It suggests a complete detachment from your inner feelings that are the result of unpleasing past events. It motivates you to face the present event with what you are today at the moment.


Positive behavior managementWe all consciously or unconsciously hold our values that direct our further steps. They play a crucial part in understanding what is most important for you in life and having clarity of what you want your life to be like. These values prompt us to choose the right direction and action essential to have the life we actually want.

Committed Action 

headshot portrait american woman holding hand on heart feels gratitudeCommitment toward the required action is the final step to ACT. It works by staying true to what values are important to you with positive behavior changes based on the other principles and core processes of acceptance and commitment therapy covered above. Consistency and practical implementation are necessary to reach the desired goal of your life.

Benefits of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy  

woman having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

ACT helps in addressing:

  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Depression
  • Chronic Pain
  • Substance Abuse
  • Eating Disorder
  • Psychosis
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Stress

Evidence of ACT Benefits

Treats Anxiety Disorder –

Woman suffering an anxiety attack alone in the nightThere are innumerable case studies that showed positive effects in patients struggling with anxiety disorders. For example, a study reported in 2017 showed decreased anxiety and stress regards to academics and effective reduction in social and general anxiety accompanied by improved overall psychological difficulties in 79 students who participated in the web-based ACT program.

Another case study conducted in 2016 which was internet-delivered on 152 patients diagnosed with panic disorder and social anxiety disorder showed a reduction in their respective concerned issues. It also stated that both the guided and unguided interventions were equally effective.

Fights Depression –

Sad depressed black man on a bench in a parkSimilarly, focused acceptance and commitment therapy is found to be significant in improving symptoms of people suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts. A report published in 2016 by anACT therapist, states that distress and psychological inflexibility leading to depression were effectively reduced in older adults with help of only a brief course of ACT they participated in.

Another case study in 2016 of a woman struggling with anxiety disorder and clinical depression associated with aging due to her physical and cognitive changes showed a reduction in psychological inflexibility and distress that reached non-clinical criteria within 6 weeks post-treatment.

Helps in Dealing Chronic Pain –

Chronic-Wrist-PainACT has been found immensely useful in building a quality of life without affecting pain levels in the case of patients with chronic pain. A study performed in 2016 on cancer patients who received the therapy showed improvements in acknowledging and accepting their situations and yet finding true and enhanced meaning in their life while experiencing the pain. The data was collected after a 2-month follow-up among 107 patients undeniably proving the benefits of ACT treatment. Another study in 2016 showed that ACT is a recommendable treatment for reducing depressive symptoms and improving psychological flexibility in chronic pain.

Reduction in Substance Abuse –

Heroin addict in dark Core processes of acceptance and commitment therapy may not reduce the symptoms of distress or triggers but progressively facilitates your ability to act based on your values at present leading to substance abuse reduction. The same was reported in the case study of a 20-year-oldalcoholic woman who was treated with ACT combined with Motivational Interviewing (MI) and showed less severe alcohol consumption and reduced episodes post-therapy. After the treatment completion, she reported increased present awareness and ability to consistent behavior patterns based on her values, particularly for drinking.

Manages Eating Disorders –

Eating DisorderIt was successfully proven that ACT treatment is also beneficial in managing eating disorders in various studies performed. For example, a case study performed in 2015 of two women with BED (Bing Eating Disorder) who participated in 10 sessions of ACT reported decreased binges from 5.7 to 1.0 per week in 3-month follow-up treatment. Evidently, one woman among them no longer met clinical eating disorder criteria post-therapy; while both showed enhanced body image flexibility.ACT has also been equally effective in managingAnorexia as well with improved body image flexibility benefits.

Helps OCD Patients –

Close-up Of A Man Cutting Green Grass Measured With RulerQuantitative research conducted in 2014 for OCD patients showed that the therapy does not necessarily focus on changing their actions but on reducing the anxiety and obsessions that urge OCD action in the first place.

The acceptance and commitment therapy training process suggests that you should continue talking to your friend, playing with kids, drawing a picture, eating, or resting while you are experiencing the obsession. The therapy encourages you to not act on the words or thoughts you feel and move in a meaningful direction consistently till those thoughts stop interfering with your actions.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the Workplace

Waist up shot of beautiful young woman shaking hand to stylish businessman in office setting ACT implementation in the workplace can work wonders when practiced with the core techniques and genuine commitment. It means, that if one is feeling anxious about going to the office, facing their boss, or being under peer pressure, ACT therapy encourages that a person can still walk into the office even while feeling this anxiousness or anxiety. The key concept of this therapy is to remain in the present and act with mindfulness, based on their important values while not letting your thoughts stop or overcome your decision of required action.

The surrounding environment or circumstances influence people to a great extent. However, Acceptance and commitment therapy helps people to understand that circumstances are inevitable and should be accepted the way they are rather than limiting or suffering themselves.

The global pandemic is a massive example where employees faced a drastic change that led to extensive anxiety worldwide. The importance of the mental health of employees at the workplace was soon realized. It not only results in maintaining an inviting and healthy work environment but also is necessary for quality outcomes.

Few Examples of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at Workplace

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at Workplace

  • Every office can involve a wellness program once a week or once a month. Every employee can get access to acceptance and commitment therapy training through these programs where they can connect with professional therapists. Once all employees learn about the core six processes of ACT, they will be able to deal with stressful circumstances in a much better way.
  • Encourage healthy communication and positive thinking in the corporate environment. Make yourself and others aware of cognitive behavior therapy and offer counseling to the employee to address their mental health and adhered to an ethical framework strictly.
  • Practice ACT yourself and understand its need for others too. Pressured deadlines should be replaced with progressively encouraged phase, where the employees are also involved in making creative decisions that keep them positively engaged in the present.
  • Be interactive with all the employees, and let them feel they can speak out about work stress, anxieties, and other office problems that hold them back from reaching their potential. Let the core process of ACT be held as a base in these conversations.

Role of ACT in Mindfulness and Psychology  

 psychologist, counselor

Mindfulness and psychology contribute to helping you to fully be able to follow and commit to the ACT process. Mindfulness keeps you aware of all your five senses along with your surroundings and maintains your contact with the present. Whereas, psychological inflexibility may limit your potential to look at the current circumstances without past experience interference and prevent clarity of values and commitment to act in a meaningful direction.

Ways That Lead You to Mindfulness and Psychological Flexibility

Be grateful

  • Accept your life as it is, embrace everything in it.
  • Practice deep breathing, inhale calmness and exhale problems.
  • Connect yourself with current surroundings, not experiences.
  • Forgive those who have hurt or given you bad memories.
  • Be grateful for things you have and be vulnerably thankful about them.
  • Don’t change or alter your feelings, let them exist as causal thoughts.
  • Be true to your values and understand what is important to you.
  • Commit yourself to a life you desire. Take action.

Who Gives the Therapy? 

ACT therapistACT therapists or people who provide the therapy are listed in the voluntary registry of the Associations for Contextual Behavior Science (ACBS). However, there is not any official certification provided to these therapists to give the service by the ACT community. The ACBS registry could be the right place for people who are interested in finding a provider for the therapy. You can look for other authoritative registrations of ACT practitioners in your locality.

Apart from the registry, you can also find the acceptance and commitment therapy providers through psychiatry, social works, or psychology department from any university as expert staff in cognitive behavior therapy may know the providers for ACT therapy. Across the different countries, you can refer to similar organizations as ACBS or ABCT for providers.

Also, there are various wellness tourism locations that provide Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by proficient therapists. As ACT has gradually gained a lot of attention for treating anxiety disorders, depression, and other psychological problems, the providers of the therapy have also gradually grownin many top wellness resorts and centers all over the world.

Limitations of ACT

positivity in mindAcceptance and Commitment Therapy is focused on a consistence practice of embracing your distressing thoughts and acting in a positive direction even while feeling them. Thus, ACT does not treat the origin of the issue directly.

Although, ACT therapy is a low-cost treatment; however, it can take weekly appointments for several months from a professional therapist to get complete course benefits. It can lead to making the treatment quite expensive for an individual session.

ACT is not suitable and is not usually recommended to treat traumatic psychological experiences or painful emotions, as suppressing these feelings can lead to more distress or ignorance of the extreme mental condition.

Factors Contributing to Success in ACT Therapy

 mature psychologist using notebook while helping man

  • Comfort, a feeling of safety, and an overall good relationship between the client and the therapist.
  • Setting clear goals and values for practicing ACT.
  • Effective communication and vulnerability.
  • Consistency of your commitment and action.
  • Healthy boundaries with certain triggering situations or people.

Message to Take Home  

positivity-and-mindfulnessAcceptance and Commitment Therapy is a great therapeutic way to bring positivity and meaningful results in life. It is not just for people dealing with psychological disorders or problems but also successfully effective in taking constructive steps in your day-to-day life to make it better. The core processes of ACT once learned and practiced, will stay forever helping you to handle thoughts, circumstances, and overall mental health in a progressive way.

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