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Mobile TV service may not see the light of the day

Grow with Dr Prem

Mobile TV has been long awaited in India. Just like other mobile services, it also runs on a dedicated frequency. I&B ministry, however, is resisting this service by stating that there is not enough dedicated spectrum available. Consequently, you might not see this service in India soon.


Department of Telecom is responsible for all spectrum allocation related activities. They have also supported the problem of spectrum scarcity, and have shown very less interest for mobileTV.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

You would have a better picture quality along with a lot of channel choices, if mobileTV gets a dedicated frequency. Right now mobileTV works on 3G and hence, the service is poor. Along with dedicated spectrum, mobileTV also needs a suitable infrastructure to support it. To support mobileTV, you need a better LCD screen than a mobile phone’s screen.

TRAI has been advocating tecnoloy with a universal platform. This would help run all the services on the existing equipment. According to them, this technology needs more expensive devices to operate and so, it might not be available for common Indians.

Via: HindustanTimes

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