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Futuristic weapons straight out of sci-fi that can change warfare forever

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The progress of technology never leaves military tech behind. It could in fact be argued that military technology is at the forefront for several situations. There is a lot of emphasis on military technology today, and the single most important reason is the continued risk of warfare in the future. Most companies and nations are spending heavily on military needs and are working to create powerful weapons that no so long ago, would be limited to science fiction. Here is a look at the top weapons that could spell mayhem in the future-

Temperature control

Temperature control

Adjusting to different climatic conditions can be treacherous during warfare. The regular symptoms that attack when you are in cold weather are body ache, shivering, reduced blood flow through the body. This can be quite critical in life threatening situations. Imagine firing bullets when you have chattering teeth! But with TRPM8 altered, you can stop feeling cold now. While this has been tested only on mice as of now, they were able to comfortably withstand low temperatures. Imagine this power with our soldiers – they would be able to thrive in cold regions with ease.

Electromagnetic guns

Electromagnetic guns

Using propellants in guns is a thing of the past. The future holds the use of electromagnetic launchers to thrust bullets. With this technology, you would be able to push bullets at speeds of 5000 mph. Many of these technical points are still in demonstration stage, but once realized, a weapon like this would be a major force on the battlefield.

electromagnetic pulse weapons

Target space

With nations entering and colonizing space, arming orbiters with electromagnetic pulse weapons is very much possible. If initiated at such altitudes, such a weapon could be powerful enough to wipe out an entire country (targeting operational warfare areas also).

Hypersonic missiles

Hypersonic missiles

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This is touted to be the one weapon of the future that can be realized very soon. In fact, many researchers say that if this was in place already, we would have been able to track of Al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan much earlier. It has the ability to deliver warheads across huge distances and engage targets very effectively. So, you would be able to tackle land strikes from sea and air with ease. The impact would be quick and deadly. US Navy is exploring chances of having hypersonic missiles from submarines for greater effectiveness.

cognitive technology

Seeing like never before

Using cognitive technology, you can have high megapixel camera on a tripod that can help you see UV and regular light at a distance of 10 kms. With a clean vision of sight, this will be a huge advantage during warfare. This will give a huge benefit when it comes to tracking down enemies and distinguishing between enemies and friendlies.

Nuclear powered insects

Nuclear powered insects

How would you ever be able to control insect drones that are nuclear wired. This has been implemented by many military agencies and should be rolled out soon. A camera or a microphone can be attached to the insect and even isotope nickel – 63 can be added to emit beta particles.

Intelligent uniforms for soldiers

Life saving uniforms

Many times, a soldier cannot recover from a bullet injury during warfare. Intelligent uniforms for soldiers are seen as a breakthrough in this regard. Embedded sensors in the uniform give vital information to the mini-computer on the system and gives the stationed medic information on treatment that is required. The same information can be passed to a medical headquarter nearby so that treatment can be done immediately.

Predict Wars

Predict Wars

Lockheed Martin is developing a system that tries to predict the possibility of war. It uses 30 million data points and trends in an algorithm gives you approximate details about possible warfare and how measured steps can be taken.


Human technology is often tied up to military advances. Many research and development projects are underway to develop technologies that would change warfare. Several developments are afoot, with often contradicting purposes like saving people on the ground, or the capability of mass destruction.

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