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How to deal with being ugly

It can be a great heartache to be termed as ‘ugly’. However, the first thing that you must remember when you are considered ugly or if you personally feel that you are deficient in the looks department, is the fact that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Here are some ways to deal with ugliness.

Consider your age

Many women who have been ugly ducklings during their adolescence evolve into beautiful women after a certain age. Being ugly during your school or college days does not actually mean that you will remain ugly all the time. Give yourself time and work towards getting over you ugliness. It could be that it is your personal opinion that you are ugly and others really do not think so. Many beautiful women still have apprehensions and dislikes when it comes to their looks. Wait for your body and personality to grow along with your age and see how you start feeling better about yourself. Ugliness is a state of mind and all you need to do to get over it is some confidence building exercise and a bit of fashion sense.

Build your confidence

Many a time, women who have an inferiority complex and are not confident about themselves find themselves ugly, even if it is not so. Try and build your confidence and learn to appreciate the good things about you. Ask others what is it that they like about you and what are your strong points. Note it down in your diary and read through it every day. Tell yourself that you are beautiful in your own way and beauty is only skin deep. Building your confidence is not just about changing your attitude towards yourself. Dress well and carry yourself with confidence. Lift your chin, take a deep breath and straighten your spine. Walk with confidence and positive energy and you will start feeling confident about yourself. These simple things will bring about great change in your attitude and you will soon forget your physical appearance and concentrate on your abilities.

Change your personality

Beauty is not just about external looks. Personality of a person is more powerful than beauty and can surpass the power to attract another person. A beautiful and strong personality will have a lasting impression on people than external beauty. When a person falls for your personality, he/she will automatically start finding you beautiful and would want to get to know you more. Relationships based on personality and integrity of character are stronger and deeper than those based on just beauty alone. When you have a great personality, beauty is of no importance to you and your looks will slowly evolve with your personality, effortlessly. However, changing your personality requires extra effort from you as part of you have realized the need to feel and look beautiful later on in your life. Your habits and behaviors have already been formed and it takes effort to change them and make them more appealing and strong. Enroll in personality development classes and surround yourself with positive people who can build your confidence and personality.

Work toward success

People who are indeed deficient in their looks must look towards attaining success in other areas in life. Many a famous personality have gained confidence and have learnt to look through their ugliness by attaining huge success in career and relationships. When success is your priority, external looks take a back seat and you will strive for the ultimate. With success comes a lot of privileges that may not be attainable if you are just beautiful. A successful woman will never have to deal with remarks and insinuations about her looks. Even if references are made about your looks, people will not take it seriously and you will learn to ignore them as you are successful and do not need to feel deficient in any way.

Try a makeover session

Being ugly is not something that women must fret over these days. If you are confident, successful and have a great personality, you can also work toward your looks easily. Try and get a makeover by approaching a good image makeover specialist. He/she will be able to work on your looks and suggest ways by which you can improve you looks. It could be a new hairstyle, a new wardrobe or a new make up with little enhancements added to highlight your best features that would do the trick. Probably you could have got all these wrong and need an expert to help you with your image. Nowadays, looking beautiful, albeit through artificial methods and cosmetic enhancements is not a difficult feat at all.

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