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Ten best tips to be the confident and powerful you

tips to be the confident and powerful you

Are there times in your life when you feel stripped off your self-respect? It all has to do with your mindset. No one can rob your off your self-worth if you do not let them do it. Live each moment of your life as if you are the most confident person anyone can ever come across. You will witness the change that you have always wanted in you.

It’s all a part of the experience

All your regrets, sorrows and mistakes are nothing but a part of many experiences. Take learning and move on since the end motive of all these experiences was simply to give you a lesson. Do not let your mistakes pull you backward.

Look at yourself as another person

Look at yourself as another person

Be someone else for a moment and see what all the qualities people see in you. If you were not the best, you would not be the worst for sure. Think of yourself as another person and appreciate what seems appealing.



Self-talk is the best way to communicate with yourself. Keep it positive; say good things to yourself since all you say to yourself ultimately forms your character. Recall all what you have achieved so far and pat yourself on the back for all the achievements.

Leave the comfort zone

working in a laptop

Don’t be hard on yourself. Make a routine of getting into the habit gradually. Do not expect a miracle at once. Systematic improvement makes a difference and turns into a habit that stays longer.

Love yourself

Love yourself

Focus on your strengths and qualities. Appreciate the way you look and rely on your thoughts. This will work as a self-motivator, which can ultimately fill you with positivity. You are the best, what your environment could turn you into.

Believe you are equivalent to others

Believe you are equivalent to others

Do not let inferiority win you over. You are just like those who you look up to. It is just their efforts has paid off or they are a step ahead of you. Do not let anyone dominate you or your thoughts. Stop pleasing others and start pleasing yourself.

Speak your heart out

Speak your heart out

If you keep stuffing your mind with powerless thoughts, they would eventually be harmful for you. Speak up what you have on your mind, give words to all your thoughts, good or bad. Being thoughtful is a quality but if it goes beyond limit, it starts taking the place of your actions.

Do what makes you feel uncomfortable

Do what makes you feel uncomfortable

It takes a lot of nerve to do what you feel uncomfortable doing. But, if you do that, you would feel a strange confidence within you and this confidence would give a powerful image of yourself. Get on the bus from front door, walk fast, sit in front seats and look straight into the eyes of the people when you talk to them. Be as strange, talkative, quite, inspiring and surprising as you ever could be.

Be around positive people

Be around positive people

Positive people motivate you to do well in life and negative people drag you backwards. You get inspired to do well in life when you accompany those who live to the fullest.

Trust you self

Trust you self

A wise suggestion always comes from within you. Listen to your instincts and do what your heart tells you to do.

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