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How to deal with greedy people

How to deal with greedy people

Greed is one of the worst aspects that human beings can possess. Nobody likes a greedy person. People try to avoid them; but, it’s just a temporary solution. Here are some effortless ways to handle greedy people in your everyday life.


How to deal with drugs

The sad truth about dealing with drugs is that no matter how easy you may think it to be, it does require an honest hard work. Drugs, being addictive are difficult to let go. You must remain positive and have a strong resolve. The motto, here is: Try Try

How to deal with arrogance

It is not unnatural to feel hurt and angry when subjected to prejudice. But before the arrogant people, with their bossiness and irrational thinking, get to your nerves, it is important to find ways of handling them. To help you out, here are some suggest

deal with depression without drugs

How to deal with depression without drugs

There are times when you feel dejected and lonely. These times are the crucial ones because falling into depression may not take a long time but coping up with it, definitely does! It cannot be overcome by sheer will-power but a lot of control and monito

How to deal with a jealous friend

How to deal with a jealous friend

Jealousy can ruin relationships and spoil the life of the jealous person as well. Though friends are meant to support you through thick and thin, it is not unusual that you would meet friends who are sometimes jealous of your achievements and personality.

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