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It is possible to deal with minor burns and scalds

How to deal with minor burns and scalds(Version-2)

It is possible to deal with minor burns and scalds through some effective techniques. It is very important to be prepared so as to deal with the condition better. Listed below are few tips which can be tried.

How to deal with acne

How to deal with acne

Acne is a very common skin condition which affects people of all ages especially the teens. Hormonal variations, oily food, stress filled life, bacterial infections etc are some of the major causes of acne. Read on to find some of the best solutions which


How to deal with sweaty palms(Version-2)

Sweaty palms can be very embarrassing for many people at many situations. It causes so much inconvenience while doing activities like writing, typing, shaking hands etc. It often causes a low self esteem.

People suffer from a heart attack

How to deal with a heart attack

People suffer from a heart attack when the blood supply gets blocked and as a result oxygen supply gets hampered. This results in damage to the heart muscles and can often claim the life of the person or make him disabled. Therefore, knowledge about deali

viral infections are quiet common

How to deal with a virus

Although viral infections are quiet common, their treatment depends essentially on the immune system of the individual. Additionally, other factors like age, health status and severity of the condition also come into play here. Keeping such

Get a better understanding of life to live it with utmost positivity

How to deal with narcissism

A narcissist person shows symptoms like aggression, defensiveness and verbal abuse. Such people are said to be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder(NPD). Individuals with symptoms of this disorder are two-faced i.e. they are charming and compe


How to deal with HIV

It is possible to maintain a fairly happy and healthy life even when contaminated with HIV pathogen. HIV positive people must pay closer focus on their lifestyle than a healthy human being. Given here are some tips that will help you deal with the dreadfu

deal with breast cancer

How to deal with breast cancer

Breast cancer can leave a woman feeling demoralized and drained out because of the harsh treatment she has to go through. However, women need to find ways to cope up with the effects of this disease. Here are some tips to deal with breast cancer.

deal with being alone

How to deal with being alone

Loneliness often leads to insecurity and depression in many. You can enjoy being alone and combat with loneliness by helping yourself with some simple tips listed below.


How to deal with drugs

The sad truth about dealing with drugs is that no matter how easy you may think it to be, it does require an honest hard work. Drugs, being addictive are difficult to let go. You must remain positive and have a strong resolve. The motto, here is: Try Try

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