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Dehydration causes loss of water

How to deal with dehydration(Version-2)

Dehydration is the loss of water from the body in abundance. Dehydration causes loss of water along with the loss of excess amount of essential elements such as sodium. Depending on the type of dehydration that a person is suffering from he will suffer fr


How to deal with sweaty palms(Version-2)

Sweaty palms can be very embarrassing for many people at many situations. It causes so much inconvenience while doing activities like writing, typing, shaking hands etc. It often causes a low self esteem.

deal with altitude sickness

How to deal with altitude sickness

Altitude sickness, also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS) or hypobaropathy, occurs on account of low air pressure and low oxygen levels at high altitudes. It results in several mild, moderate and severe conditions like dizzy spells, headaches, nose b

How to deal with insomnia

Working at odd hours, a newborn baby that cries all night, a new house, noisy neighbors are some of the reasons why the sleeping pattern gets disturbed. Frequent changes in the pattern lead to lack of sleep. A few changes in the lifestyle can solve this

How to deal with wisdom teeth pain

Wisdom teeth are the last molars to erupt in man, usually between 16 to 25 years of age. While most of them erupt without much discomfort, many experience a lot of pain and inability to eat properly. Here are some tips on how to deal with wisdom teeth pai

How to deal with sweaty palms

Sweaty palms lead to a very embarrassing situation for some people. Imagine the embarrassment of a person with this disease during a handshake for important business deals. In medical terms, this disorder is known as “palmer hyperhidrosis”. Sweaty p

How to deal with eczema

A skin problem which is characterized by the presence of dry, itchy and scaly skin and which is commonly seen in children is eczema, a kind of dermatitis. In severe cases, there may be bleeding in the skin lesions along with severe itching. It is usually

How to deal with a broken toe

Injuries in the toe can be of various degrees and one must identify this before deciding to seek medical help. Some pain in the toe may result out of regular stress, some might result out of hitting a hard object or a heavy object falling on the toe. A br

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