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Dehydration causes loss of water

How to deal with dehydration(Version-2)

Dehydration is the loss of water from the body in abundance. Dehydration causes loss of water along with the loss of excess amount of essential elements such as sodium. Depending on the type of dehydration that a person is suffering from he will suffer fr

How to deal with hard water

Hard water is a common nuisance for households and industries, causing mineral buildup on plumbing fixtures, sanitary fittings, utensils, water boiler systems and pipework. In addition, it inhibits soap/detergent performance besides causing skin and hair

How to deal with kidney stones

A kidney stone is formed by the concentration of minerals inside the kidney. A stone can be a cause of worry if it remains inside the kidney, otherwise it passes out with urine. Read to know how to deal with a kidney stone.

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