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How to deal with drugs

The sad truth about dealing with drugs is that no matter how easy you may think it to be, it does require an honest hard work. Drugs, being addictive are difficult to let go. You must remain positive and have a strong resolve. The motto, here is: Try Try

How to deal with alcohol

Alcohol is very dangerous and no one can know it better than alcoholics. It is highly addictive and injurious to health. Its addiction results in losses only, the addict looses his health as well as social status. Prolonged intake of alcohol results in ca

How to deal with fear of rejection

Whenever you propose a new concept or a creative idea, you will be worried about the fear of getting rejected. In fact, every human being has the fear of rejection. The best solution to deal with this abnormal behavior is to learn how to overcome it.

How to deal with interviews

Facing interviews might be quite stressful for some candidates. If you learn certain techniques and manners, you can nail down any kind of interview easily. Use the following methods to achieve success in your interviews.


How to deal with children

With so many conflicting advice about dealing with children, parents and caregivers are often bewildered by knowing whether what they are doing is right or wrong. The best policy to adopt for grooming children is to correct them when they are wrong and en

Dealing with toddlers requires a lot of patience

How to deal with toddlers

Dealing with toddlers requires a lot of patience, imagination and skill because you may have to handle tantrums, curiosity, stubbornness and bad behavior. Check out these ways to deal with your toddler.

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