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How to deal with hunger

Hunger is body’s way of saying “it wants to have some food to eat”. But, these hunger pangs have to be handled intelligently to avoid any future guilt. This generally happens when one is a food freak and gets alarmed when it is too late to recover.

How to deal with Attention Deficit Disorder

Whether you are an adult suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or a worried parent whose child suffers from ADHD, you need to know following ways that can help you deal with this learning/developm

How to deal with pregnancy

Pregnancy brings joy into a woman’s life but it also brings a lot of stress and strain. Getting help for stress and strain during the trimesters will sail you through a smooth journey. Here are some ways with which you can easily deal with the stress and

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