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How to deal with a sister

Having a sister is a boon for many. You get to share your feelings, go out with them and even have a shoulder to cry upon. However, for many their sisters are nothing more than a dictator, who terrorizes them. For such individuals, knowing how to deal wit

over confidence is something which kills your instincts

How to deal with pride

It is good to have a little pride in yourself as it brings about a sense of confidence in your personality. But over confidence is something which kills your instincts and characteristical traits completely and that is what pride does to you if not handl


How to deal with separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a multidimensional emotional state of mind which causes fear, apprehension, insecurity, helplessness etc. Here are common ways to deal with separation anxiety.

deal with being alone

How to deal with being alone

Loneliness often leads to insecurity and depression in many. You can enjoy being alone and combat with loneliness by helping yourself with some simple tips listed below.


How to deal with rejection from your husband

Rejection caused by an egoist and self occupied husband can be hard to cope. It can make you feel depressed because of getting ignored and your emotions getting brushed aside but you ought to be strong to face this situation. Here are some ways to deal wi

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