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How to deal with braces(2)

Wearing braces can be painful and a bad experience. However, if you deal with them in the right way, you might not find it so difficult after all.

Bad breath is a very annoying problem

How to deal with bad breath (Version-2)

Bad breath is a very annoying problem for the person who is suffering with it and for the others around him/her. Here are some effective formulas which may help in dealing with it.

How to deal with braces

Braces are placed on teeth to correct the alignment of buck teeth or misaligned teeth. Since they are fixed to the surface of the teeth, it becomes a tough task to manage them. They are initially painful but you get used to them in course of time. Here a

deal with bad breath

How to deal with bad breath

Bad breath often hinders our social life and causes embarrassment. It also speaks volumes about our internal health disorders and unhygienic oral conditions. Read on to know the best ways to deal with this problem.

How to deal with teething

Teething is always an issue for new mothers and their babies. Children face a lot of problems when their milk teeth are erupting. Dealing with teething problems can be made easy with some simple methods.

How to deal with pregnancy

Pregnancy brings joy into a woman’s life but it also brings a lot of stress and strain. Getting help for stress and strain during the trimesters will sail you through a smooth journey. Here are some ways with which you can easily deal with the stress and

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