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How to deal with marriage separation

Recovering from a marriage separation is difficult. However, it is important that you remind yourself that you can and will move on. Healing takes time, thus be patient with yourself and try the below mentioned tips to deal with the separation anxiety.

anger issues in kids

How to deal with anger issues in kids

Stress, peer pressure or disturbances in the family are the most common causes for anger issues in kids. The kids tends to break under the pressure and become angry. However there are simple ways of dealing with anger issues in kids.

deal with a break up in middle school

How to deal with a break up in middle school

It’s never easy to leave someone. Whatever be the reason, it can turn all your life upside down. But this is a part of our life and life goes on. Time does heal everything. Here are some tips to deal with a break up in middle school.

deal with youth

How to deal with youth

Gone are the days when raising kids was anything but not a headache. Now parents keep their fingers crossed and hope that their child does not turn into an arrogant and insensitive person. Not just the parents, but all the elders have off lately been fa

How to deal with your crush

How to deal with your crush

Every individual has a crush at some point in his/her life. Individuals often ruin it by unconsciously sending some wrong hints to the crush. Therefore, knowing how to deal with your crush can be helpful if you are in such a situation.

caught in awkward situation

How to deal with awkward situations

Situations like meeting a friend to whom you haven’t been in touch for several years, coming across your ex girlfriend when you are with your wife, when a neighbor notices you with another woman, when someone criticizes your body fat or any other physical

How to deal with the press

An interaction with the press can turn into a dreadful affair if not dealt with carefully. So, if you are a well-known person or a celebrity, you need to learn to deal with the press before the situation gets ugly.

How to deal with anxiety attacks

Anxiety attacks can be so disruptive that they can cause extreme distress and paranoia if left untreated. A pounding heart, excessive sweating and general irritability are symptoms associated with an anxiety attack and in most cases, people do not know wh

How to deal with anxiety and panic attacks

Constant anxiety and panic attacks can be very detrimental to your mental and physical health. If anxiety and panic attacks are leaving you entirely hopeless and tamper with your efficiency in doing day to day tasks, here are some ways to cope with the

How to deal with heartbreak and jealousy

Guide on How to Deal With Heartbreak (For Girls)

The reasons behind heartbreak may be diverse but the feeling of sorrow is equal. Heartbreak can stir depressing emotions like extreme misery and excessive jealousy. It can truly be quite catastrophic for the heart where the ache of the past keeps rumbling

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