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deal with a psychopath

How to deal with a psychopath

A psychopath is one of the most deadliest enemies to the society. Their actions are infectious, which means the person near him is under the risk of contracting his way of thinking. Following are some of the ways to deal with them.


How to deal with bad friends

Good friends are the biggest asset that a person can have and when they go bad, life starts looking very difficult. The following are a few ways to deal with a bad friend.


How to deal with a bridezilla

Dealing with a bridezilla is not an easy task because bridezillas are unreasonable, easily irritated, and a complete nightmare to deal with. Follow these simple tips to deal with a bridezilla.

deal with someone you don't like

How to deal with someone you don’t like

We come across various kinds of people in our life and it is not necessary that we will be fond of everybody we meet. The following are a few steps on how to deal with people that you don’t like.


How to deal with staff

When you are working for a company or you own a company, there would be people working with you always. These are the people who are your staff and help in the smooth working of your enterprise. They are people with different moods, likes, dislikes and be


How to deal with shy men

Making a shy person shed inhibitions and get into a thorough chat is a big challenge. Well, not really if you are smart enough to figure out the right move. A few tips would help you out.


How to deal with mean parents

Parents are always protective and loving towards their children. However, there are cases wherein some parents are mean. In such cases, one needs to act cautiously by following certain steps.


How to deal with drugs

The sad truth about dealing with drugs is that no matter how easy you may think it to be, it does require an honest hard work. Drugs, being addictive are difficult to let go. You must remain positive and have a strong resolve. The motto, here is: Try Try

deal with a selfish boyfriend

How to deal with a selfish boyfriend

Selfish boyfriend are those who thinks only about themselves. These guys may not have displayed any selfish signals in the initial period. These things come out in the open gradually and unfortunately by that time the girl is so captivated by the boy that

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