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deal with a stubborn boyfriend

How to deal with a stubborn boyfriend

Stubborn boyfriend is one who is reluctant to change his views about an idea or action come what may. Once you have understood that your boyfriend is a stubborn one, remember to treat him in a special way. Do not give out direct and flat responses as you

Get a better understanding of life to live it with utmost positivity

How to deal with narcissism

A narcissist person shows symptoms like aggression, defensiveness and verbal abuse. Such people are said to be suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder(NPD). Individuals with symptoms of this disorder are two-faced i.e. they are charming and compe


How to deal with a narcissistic boss

All of us come across a boss with all the characteristics of a classic narcissistic in our life. Initially, he/ she appear to be a personality with strength, charisma and special ability to leave people impressed. But eventually you come to learn that he

deal with a difficult mother-in-law

How to deal with a difficult mother-in-law

A great relationship with a mother-in-law is experienced only by a lucky few. Most of the mothers-in-law tend to act tough and dominating, making life difficult for everyone. Here are a few tips on how you can deal with a difficult mother-in-law.

How to deal with a shy guy

How to deal with a shy guy

Shyness is an emotion that affects how you behave around others. It is normal to be shy, especially when encountering new experiences or people, but sometimes, shyness can cause serious handicaps to the way a person lives or experiences life. Here we have

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